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the previous one was short but this is long af hehehe enjoy🥂

At home, Lalisa got used to the silence and calm that her loneliness gave her

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At home, Lalisa got used to the silence and calm that her loneliness gave her. But it wasn't a lasting calm, it was always a turbulent and anxious calm. The calm before the explosion.

Lalisa knew that the calm wasn't going to last long. She knew that at some point the laughter of her brother's men would fill the entrance hall and agonising screams would try to interrupt the fun but it wouldn't be possible, because pain and revenge were the fun.

She knew she would hear gunshots, blows, groans of pain and the harsh dragging of clothes against the pristine Carrara marble floor down to the basement.

She knew that her peaceful lunchtime could be interrupted by someone arriving with blood-soaked clothes or fingernails stained with remains of god knows who that would turn brown. Breakfast could be interrupted by a man scared to tell her brother bad news, Seokjin would display an aura so dark that it could sour Lisa's cappuccino. And dinner...

No, dinners were lonely. Jin would go out to dinners or events and Taehyung would party, or screw around with someone. Thank god.

Sometimes Lisa just wanted to eat her damn Tteokbokki without a man creating drama around her because a dealer stole some powder for his girlfriend and she threatened to call the police on him, which would lead to a sudden bullet in his head IN FRONT OF HER MEAL.

Sometimes she honestly wished for two parents fighting over taxes and a supposed hidden mistress at the dinner table. That was so normal in the houses in her neighbourhood, she knew that very well because spying on the neighbours was fun and seeing the extremely outraged face of Mr Yang who was accused of cheating when he really spent too many hours with the maid in the pool house before his wife came home was simply the art of cinematography.

Drama was so normal when her classmates used to rant about their parents' divorce because dad was doing dirty business, or seeing a popular, obviously arranged marriage send death glares to each other in a ballroom, pushing each other away subtly in front of the cameras because they hated each other.

That was the fun kind of family drama, not Jin telling Taehyung that cutting balls was reckless so he should be careful and kill the person first.

Wow, blood and balls... funny...

Men were such stupid creatures.

However, her usual family drama and turbulent calm taught her how to relax amidst the storm.

A true storm was far from happening on that beautiful Asian beach. The sound of the waves was soft, the colour of the sea, a pretty mix of soft and bright blues, reminded one of a strange mix of Monet's Water Lilies and Van Gogh's Almond Blossoms. The sun shone deliciously on her skin which was beginning to turn golden, reflecting a rainbow of lights from the finest jewellery in the world that adorned her neck, wrists and fingers.

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