my little angel~ (demon Jisung x angel minho)

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(An old request but the person I can't find to tag)

There he was falling out of the sky his arms desperately trying to grab something to make him stop falling, and even his wings weren't working for some strange reason.

As he continues to fall he begins to question himself.

'how the fuck did I get in this situation?! I mean I remember talking with Channie hyung then being sucked into pitch black, and next thing I know is I'm falling and I can't even fucking fly!'

He scoffs and just accepts his fate his body getting dangerously close to the ground.

He shuts his eyes tight expecting to crash but it never happens, instead he feels someone holding him.

He opens his eyes and meet his with a boy, Minho's face flushes red and he scrambles out of his arms.

But to his avail he doesn't budge, and the unknown male chuckles.

"You're quite the pretty one aren't you?"

Minho flushes red and looks away "I'm flattered but can you put me down now"

The boy thinks for a second then puts Minho down "I'm Jisung" he holds out his hand and Minho smiles.

"Minho" he shakes hands with Jisung and he notices the black claws.

And Jisung notices Minho's angelic features, his dark blue hair shining slightly, making it look extra fluffy, his pretty brown eyes.

Jisung would stare at him all day if he could, but since their strangers he clears his throat and places the angel down.

"You really are an angel aren't you?" Minho chuckles and a slight blush creeps up.

"Hm that is my species, but what are you exactly? I can tell you're not human, because you have horns and a tail?"

Jisung thinks for a second and then looks at minho "I'm a demon" Minho's eyes widen and he backs away slowly.

Jisung sighs and pouts "I'm not gonna hurt you..."

Minho gulps and looks at him intently "h-how do I know you're not lying?"

Jisung smiles sadly and turns around showing the wing marks on his back, minho gasps and places his hand on Jisung's back, the older (in this Jisung is older) flinches.

Minho closes his eyes and he could see when they burned it into Jisung, tears fill his eyes and he silently cries as he's watching Jisung's past.

After a bit Minho stops and hugs the back of the demon.

"I-im so s-sorry!" Jisung chuckles.

"Why would you be sorry, it was my father who banished me, not you"

Minho wraps his arms around Jisung's chest, and Jisung sighs into the hug, he needed this, he wouldn't admit it but he really needed this.

Minho eventually pulls off of Jisung and wipes his eyes "ugh, look at me crying..." he chuckles and Jisung smiles and turns around pulling Minho's hands off his face.

"I think you look pretty when you cry" Minho's eyes widen and he slaps Jisung's chest.

"S-shut up!" He blushes when Jisung wraps his strong arms around his waist, and leans his face close to Minho's, the younger gulps and tries to pull away but Jisung's grip doesn't let him move.


The older raises a brow and minho gulps "c-can you let go please" he whispers and Jisung nods and pulls off of him.

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