my little angel~ pt 2 (angel minho x demon Jisung)

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(wow 13k reads?! Tysm!)

(Smut, and fluff)

Jisung wakes up a few hours later and he looks down at the sleeping angel.

He smiles and kisses Minho's forehead, he smiles more when he sees Minho turn in his sleep.

Before Jisung could say anything a loud knock on the door startles the two, Minho wakes up and gasps as Jisung jumps at the noise.

His brows furrow and he gets out of bed as minho pouts "w-who is it?" Jisung goes to the door.

"I'm not sure yet" he slowly opens the door and his eyes widen at the sight of his father.

"Ah Jisung you still live in this fucking dump?" Jisung rolls his eyes and nods.

"Yes DAD I do and if you would excuse me I don't have time for you're bullshit I have someone over"

His dad smirks "who's the lucky lady hm?" Jisung's heart drops and he gulps.

"Uhh" before Jisung could answer Minho crawls out of bed and goes next to him, wearing only Jisung's shirt and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Sungie come sleep" Jisung flinches when he hears his dad Chuckle coldly.

"Who the fuck is this?" His dad says as he pushes Jisung out the way and Minho gulps as he backs away quickly.

"D-dad don't hurt him h-he's just my....... Friend..." Minho's eyes widen and tears fill his sparkling eyes.

"J-just you're friend? So I let you fuck me and all I am to you is a friend?" Jisung gulps as his father looks at him with disgust.

"M-minho not now ok? We'll talk later" minho sniffles and yelps when Jisung's dad throws a glass at him.

"My son is fucking sleeping with a guy?!" Minho's eyes widen with fear and he backs away as Jisung's dad approaches him.

"don't fucking hurt him!" Jisung teleports in front of Minho and glares at his dad.

"I will not tolerate my son being gay! That's fucking disgusting!" Minho flinches.

Jisung growls "I don't give a fuck what you think and I actually think it's time you go, you aren't welcome here in earth, y'know since You're hells ruler!" His dad chuckles wickedly.

"We will meet again Angel" his dad smirks and disappears and Jisung sighs and turns around.

"I only called you my friend because my dad's fucking homophobic, and I knew he would try and hurt you if he found out not only did I fuck a guy but also a Angel!" Minho gulps.

"I-im sorry.... I shouldn't have said anything.." Jisung sighs and shakes his head.

"It's fine Minho, just- just don't go anywhere, trust me I know my dad and I know for a fact that he's going to try something with you, hell he might even try to kill you"

Minho gulps "k-kill me?" Jisung nods.

"My father is..... The ruler of hell, and he- he doesn't exactly like gay people, or anything that doesn't go his way" Minho hums.

"Also Minho next time there's someone at the door please put on clothes other than my shirt" Minho's eyes widen and he blushes red.

"S-sorry!" Minho quickly grabs his boxers and slips them on underneath of the shirt and Jisung chuckles.

"It's ok just, don't walk in the room practically naked" minho blushes and nods.

"O-ok" Jisung smiles.

"C'mon let's eat something" Jisung walks to the kitchen and Minho follows as he watches Jisung gets the kitchen ready with his ingredients.

Minho hops onto the counter and watches as Jisung starts cooking breakfast, which consists of, eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, and coffee.

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