masters plaything (Minho x Chan)

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(smut, and some fluff)

Chan was furious, during dance Minho wouldn't stop yelling at Chan for messing up a move, or how he's reacting to slow, or just something as small as that.

So what did Chan do? He told Minho to meet him in his dorm, all the other members were watching Chan and Minho argue and once Chan said that they all kinda looked nervously at each other.

After all it's not every day someone stands up against Minho with his bitch attitude (sorry Minho I love u pooks)

After dance, at the end of the day Minho watches Chan walk out looking quite angry.

Minho smirks to himself and jisung walks over to him "why did you guys keep yelling?" Minho scoffs then smirks.

"I'm the main dancer ok? It's my job to make sure you fucktards do the correct dances or whatever"

Jisung frowns and walks off, feeling sad about what Minho said but the latter couldn't give two fucks about it.

Minho finishes grabbing his stuff and starts walking to Chan's room (😭😭😭 Chan's room)

He slowly opens the door his confidence leaving him immediately, he never expected Chan to get so mad at him for doing his job.

Minho takes a deep breath and steps into the room, seeing Chan on his bed the older pats the spot next to him.

Minho gulps and slowly walks to Chan, his heart racing.

"Have a seat Minho" Minho nods slowly, and slowly sits on the bed next to Chan.

He keeps his head down like a sad cat, and Chan can't help but feel bad that Minho might think he's gonna hurt him, but really Chan just wants to ask Minho why he was yelling so much.

"Minho" the called boy gulps and slowly turns to Chan.

"Y-yeah?" He nearly whispers the words and Chan can sense that he's afraid.

"Min, I'm not gonna hurt you... Don't be so tense"

Minho slowly nods but let's his head fall so he doesn't look Chan in the eyes.

"Why were you yelling at me so much min?" Minho gulps and plays with his fingers.

"I-i.. i-it's my job Chan.."

Chan sighs "min you realize that I get that you're main dancer but you have to be nicer ok?"

Minho slowly nods feeling his bottom lip quiver "m' sorry..." He whispers.

Chan frowns and hugs Minho "shh, don't be afraid min, I'm not mad"

Minho sniffles and hugs Chan back, Chan moves Minho's face and lifts the boys chin, kissing his lips softly.

Minho's eyes widen and he blushes red, the only members that's tried to kiss him was jisung or Felix, maybe sometimes Seungmin.

Minho's hesitates but kisses back, he's never actually kissed somebody before, duh he's gonna be nervous.

Chan smiles into the kiss and starts kissing Minho a bit deeper, the younger gets a bit of confidence and moves to Chan's lap.

The older grips Minho's thighs feeling the thick muscle in his hands, he groans into the kiss, and Minho whimpers into the kiss, loving the way Chan grips his thick thighs.

(I'm delulu ASF about Minho's thighs 🥴😫 I might have a thigh kink or something because gawd DAMN)

Minho feels Chan's hands grips him more, and the olders tongue asking for entrance and of course Minho grants it.

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