fill you up~ (omega minho x alpha Jisung)

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(the voting was literally tied between three for a few hours lol thank God y'all finally had a extra vote) (smut)

Jisung was pacing back and forth as he waits for his mate, Minho.

Minho was currently in the shower and he didn't let Jisung in with him and it confused the younger.

"Min baby please let me join, we've already seen each other naked why are you shy now" Jisung pouts when minho doesn't answer.

He sighs and walks away, a few minutes later minho walks downstairs and Jisung quickly stands up.

"Baby why couldn't I join you" he pouts and minho looks away, not saying anything, a faint pink tint dusting his cheeks.

"Minho you ok? Did I do something wrong"

Minho gulps and shakes his head and this confuses Jisung more, but then it hit him.

The alpha in him kicks in and his eyes glow red.

Minho whimpers at the aura of his mate, and the omega in him wants to submit already.

"Minho, are you in heat?" His voice was low and it sent shivers down Minho's spine, he whines out and closes his eyes.

"Answer me minho" he growls and minho gulps, and slowly nods.

Jisung smirks "so is that why you didn't want me in the shower with you?"

Minho nods again and Jisung steps closer, making minho gulp and look away.

"Is this your first time in heat baby?"

Minho whines and nods slowly, his heart beating faster by the minute.

Jisung pulls minho to him, and kisses his cheek.

"I could help you min, but I want you to be ok with it" Minho thinks for a second nods slowly.

Jisung smiles and picks minho up, carrying him to the bed, laying him down and getting on top of him.

He pulls his shirt off then Minho's, minho whines and closes his eyes.

Jisung then removes both of their pants and boxers, minho gulps as Jisung kisses his neck.

"J-jisung please hurry i-it hurts" Jisung nods and lifts Minho's legs up, seeing the slick that drips from his hole.

He leans down and licks Minho's hole, Minho whimpers and tries to shut his legs and Jisung chuckles and spreads them open.

"Don't suffocate me now love" Minho whines and looks away.

"S-sorry" Jisung hums and licks Minho's hole again.

The older moaning out (bruh why tf CPR playing-) Jisung sticks his tongue deeply into Minho and he moans loud.

"S-Sungie! Mn~ g-good feels g-good ah~"

Jisung hums and laps up all the slick that drips and minho can't help keep his legs from shaking.

Jisung stops and chuckles as he watches Minho's hole clench around nothing, he leans up and sucks on one of Minho's erect nipples.

Minho grips Jisung's hair and Jisung winces  and taps Minho's thigh. "Baby not my hair ok?" Minho whimpers and nods.

"S-sorry Sungie, j-just feels w-weird" Jisung smiles and inserts a finger into Minho and the older moans.

"You're quite vocal tonight hm?" Minho huffs and slaps Jisung's chest.

Jisung growls and pins Minho's hands above his head and minho whines at the grip.

"Don't hit me minho" minho gulps and nods, not wanting to make his alpha mad.

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