sweet scent~ (cat hybrid minho x Jeongin x Seungmin)

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(fluff/ slight angst)

Today was Seungmin's birthday and Jeongin wanted to surprise his lover with something cool, the younger has been doing research online to figure out what to get Seungmin.

His eyes light up when he sees a shop online that sells hybrids, he thinks for a second, then quickly puts his laptop away and puts his coat on.

He runs outside and gets in the car, he then starts the car and drives to the location.

His smile brightens when he gets there after 30 minutes.

He gets out the car and walks inside, looking at all the possible hybrids, he doesn't want to get something crazy like wolf or deer, or even dog.

He looks towards the cats and sees only one, and he looks lonely sitting there curled up, hugging his knees his black fluffy ears laying flat against his head, his tail wrapped around his legs.

Jeongin wonders why he's alone, shouldn't there be more hybrids?

He walks to the cashier and clears his throat "could I get the cat hybrid" the lady looks at him with disgust and nods.

She doesn't say a word and walks to where the small figure was, the hybrid instantly flinching as she harshly unlocks his cage and opens the door, he yelps when she pulls his shirt dragging him on the floor.

Jeongin frowns at the way the cat hybrid is treated, the lady throws the male out the cage and he immediately curls up silently sniffling.

She goes to the register and then looks at Jeongin "that'll be 100"

Jeongin nods and pays her then she grabs a leash and walks to the cat boy again, he tries to scoot away from her but gets slapped in the face.

He yelps out and she puts the leash on him, and handing it to Jeongin, the younger walks to the cat and picks him up, he's surprisingly light.

Jeongin sighs and walks to his car, he puts the hybrid in one arm as he opens the door, he gently places the scared boy on the seat, buckling him in so he doesn't get hurt.

"I'm Jeongin" he says as he gets in the driver seat and the male nods and looks out the window.

The drive home was quick Jeongin tried to make a conversation with the cat hybrid but he didn't talk.

He enters the house and sees Seungmin sitting on the couch and he smiles.

"Minnie I got you something~" Seungmin looks up from his phone and smiles as he sees his boyfriend hiding something behind the door.

"What is it?" He asks while getting up from his seat and Jeongin puts out a hand to stop him.

"Ah ah ah no you sit back down" Seungmin pouts and sits down.

"Ok now try not to freak out ok?" He slowly pulls the leash and the cat hybrid struggles against it.

The smaller figure clawing at the leash and hissing, Seungmin's eyes widen and he stands up.

"You bought a hybrid?" Jeongin nods and Seungmin smiles.

"Wow I've never seen one up close before" he walks towards the cat and he hisses at Seungmin, scratching the males face.

Jeongin gasps and pulls the cats leash making him fall backwards and land on his butt, he whimpers and rubs his neck.

"You ok Minnie?" Seungmin nods and glares at the cat.

"That one's feisty huh?" Jeongin nods.

"Yeah when I bought him he wouldn't listen" Seungmin hums and grabs the leash from Jeongin, pulling the cat fully into the house.

The male yelps out as the collar digs into his already hurt neck.

Seungmin's eyes catch a glimpse of red liquid dripping and he stops.

"He's bleeding" Jeongin's eyes widen and they both approach the boy, he instantly flinches and tries to crawl away.

"Shh, it's ok" the male sniffles and Seungmin pulls his hand so he scoots closer.

The hybrids eyes widen and he doesn't look at Seungmin, as the boy gets close to him.

He flinches when Seungmin raises his hand, but sees as he just unhooks the collar.

The hybrid gasps out once it drops, Seungmin can see the wounded flesh, dried blood and fresh blood littering his neck.

Seungmin's heart drops as he looks closely, seeing the multiple bruises and cuts on the male.

"Jeongin get the first aid kit from the bathroom, he needs help" Jeongin quickly runs to the bathroom as Seungmin gently pulls the cats hand.

"Come with me ok? I'll get you cleaned up and get you into some fresh clothes" the male hesitates but let's Seungmin pick him up.

He clings to the other as he's carried into the bathroom, and sat on the sink.

"Ok hand me the alcohol, now kitten it might hurt a bit but trust me ok?" He nods slowly and Seungmin starts wiping the blood off and the cat hisses and cries out at the pain.

But he still stays so Seungmin can finish, he doesn't want to go back to that place, his eyes teary as Seungmin finishes cleaning his neck.

"Ok Jeongin now I just need some gauze to wrap it up" Jeongin nods and hands Seungmin what he needs.

The cat sniffles as Seungmin wraps his neck, and then he kisses the hybrids cheek.

The cat freezes and looks at Seungmin then Jeongin, then back to Seungmin he tilts his head and Seungmin chuckles.

"He's so cute" Jeongin squeals from being to excited.

Seungmin chuckles "yeah he is, I wonder why they hurt him like this"

Jeongin gets a idea and walks closer "hey do you mind telling us You're name?"

The cat boy looks at Jeongin and gulps, he slowly nods.

"M-minho..." he whispers it so quietly they couldn't even hear it.

"Love you have to speak a bit louder, we can't hear you"

The cat hybrid looks away and gulps "i-im...minho..." he says hesitantly.

Seungmin smiles and pats Minho's shoulder "it's ok minho, don't be scared, we won't hurt you ok?" Minho gulps and nods slowly.

Jeongin picks minho up and carries him to the bedroom, setting him on the bed.

"Lift you're arms min, we're gonna put clean clothes on you is that ok?" Minho nods and lifts his arms.

Seungmin chuckles and pulls the boys shirt off, and immediately puts a new shirt on him, since he was shivering.

Minho purrs lowly barely audible, and Jeongin is in awe as he listens to minho purr when they pet his head.

"He's so precious" Seungmin nods in agreement and scratches behind Minho's cat ears, the older purring loudly and closes his eyes.

Jeongin giggles "I think he likes it" Seungmin smiles.

"I think so" they continue loving the hybrid every single day, this was a new beginning of a wonderful friendship between two humans and one hybrid.....

Hey new chapter

Hopefully y'all don't mind a more soft chapter since all have had smut

Rate it 1/10

Words: 1170

Peace out lovelies ❤️

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