kissable lips~ (vampire minho x ???)

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(angst, mention of self harm)

(Btw this is fuck buddies but just as a different name lol I wanted to change the name of it for this chapter since this fits better)

(Surprise characters 😁 and this chapter is kind of a skz x ateez version of kissable lips, a black k-drama, it's of a vampire who needs a pure blooded human in order to save his own life, but my book has a bit of a twist instead of true blooded humans n stuff so lemme know afterwards if y'all like it)

Minho steps out of the store where he was buying groceries for him and his three cats, he hums to himself as he walks the streets, he flinches as he hears a scream.

He turns around quickly and sees a boy running from someone, he furrows his brows and quickly pulls the boy behind himself and bares his fangs at the male who was chasing.

"Leave the boy alone Han" the other chuckles coldly.

"He's human Minho, you know what we do with humans remember? We kill them" Minho growls.

"You're not touching him Han" his eyes start glowing red and Jisung backs down.

"You know you need human blood more than me even and yet you're willing to protect a human!" Minho growls.

"I don't care about that Jisung! He's just like us! Maybe slightly different but still! I'm not like you Jisung! I'm not a killer...." Jisung glares at minho.

"Fine but you can't protect him forever" he chuckles wickedly while vanishing into thin air.

Minho huffs and turns around after he made his fangs go away "you ok?"

The man nods quickly "good, you should come with me, I know for a fact he will try and kill you again" the man quickly agrees and Minho grabs his groceries and the starts walking again the other quickly catching up with Minho.

"I'm San, by the way..." Minho smiles at him and nods.

"I'm minho, and sorry about that guy back there, his names han Jisung and let's just say, he's not a very nice guy" San nods and they continue walking.

Around 40 minutes later they arrive at Minho's place, and he unlocks the door and him and San enter.

They take off their shoes and coats, then minho leads San into the kitchen.

"Mind helping me put these away please?" Minho asks and San nods.

"Sure" the put away all the groceries and then Minho turns to see San staring at him, he chuckles.

"Why are you staring..." his cheeks dust with a light pink.

San clears his throat and turns away "no reason.."

Minho chuckles and nods "ok"

Minho then grabs San's hand and brings him to the living room.

"I'm guessing you're curious as to what Jisung was hm?" San nods and Minho sighs "he's a vampire, and well.... I am too..." San's eyes widen and he takes a step back.

"B-but I'm not going to hurt you! I-im a nice vampire..." San gulps and sits next to minho slowly placing his hand on Minho's cheek, feeling it heat up he chuckles lightly.

"May I see you're fangs?" Minho gulps and slowly opens his mouth letting the younger see.

San hums "wow, they look so pointy" minho chuckles.

"Well they kinda have to be, especially when I need to drink blood" San looks at him a bit uneasy and minho gulps "i-its just animal blood tho so don't worry"

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