poisonous kiss (minho x witch Jeongin)

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Minho didn't know where he was....

One minute he was talking with his best friend Jisung the next minute he's tied down to a chair with something over his face.

He could hear a faint sound of bubbling, his eyes widening when he hears a man chuckle wickedly.

Minho gulps and squints his eyes trying to find the person but is caught off guard when a hand grabs his throat from behind, Minho gasps.

"Well, well, well pretty thing caught himself in a trap hm?" Minho gulps and a tear forms in his eyes.

"What do you want with me..." The man thinks and turns Minho's head so they were nearly kissing, after removing the thing covering Minho's face.

"I want you to be mine, I want you to be the one I can fuck all night" Minho blushes and moves away from the mans grip.

Minho spits at the man's face "I'm not gonna be anyone's fuck toy" the unknown male grins evilly.

"Oh but you see, you already are, you're fate is in my hands, I could so easily kill you and let all you're friends watch"

Minho gulps "i-im not letting you fuck me"

The man groans and pulls Minho's hair and the boy yelps in pain as his face is brought close to the mans.

"You will let me, or I will kill all you're friends " he forces Minho's head to look to the left and he can see a mirror but then it turns into his friends, he can see them and what they are doing at that exact time Minho's eyes widen.

"Don't touch them!" He writhes in the mans grip and the other grins.

"Then do exactly as I say and they can live" Minho thinks for a minute.

He can't let Jisung and his friends get hurt especially by no crazy bitch, he sighs and bites his lip.

"F-fine but you have to let them go!" He nods and snaps his fingers and the mirror turns back to normal and Minho sniffles both in fear and relief that his friends will be ok.

The man takes off his mask and Minho gulps as he watches.

"I'm Jeongin" he smiles brightly and Minho blinks quickly.

Why is he being nice to him?

Minho nods slowly "i-im Minho"

"I already know that, I've been watching you for a while minho, and I'm very intrigued by how you like to touch Yourself every single night"

Minho blushes red and his eyes widen "th-that's none of you're business!"

Jeongin chuckles "oh honey it is my business, since well you're my little fuck toy now" Minho looks away.

Jeongin growls and forces Minho to look at him, Minho whimpers at the grip.

"You're going to do exactly as I say, got it?!" Minho flinches at the loud spoken tone and nods quickly.

Jeongin let's go of Minho and unties him, Minho sighs as his hands are released and he rubs them.

"Come with me and no funny business got it?" Minho nods slowly and follows Jeongin into a different room, but he sees a door to his left and tries to make a run for it.

Jeongin chuckles lowly and teleports in front of Minho grabbing his neck and the boy gasps.

"L-let me go!" Jeongin slaps Minho's face hard and the boy whimpers out.

"Shut the fuck up, I would've gone easy if you didn't try to escape, but now You're fucked"

Minho sniffles and gets dragged away from the exit and into a different room full of sex toys.

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