Snuggle bear (Jeongmin)

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Jeongin was currently in the mall with his boyfriend, well soon to be fiance, yep you heard it right today Jeongin is proposing to minho and the older has no idea.

Jeongin smiles to himself as he walks hand in hand with his lover, Jeongin has always admired minho when dancing.

Since Minho was the lead dancer Jeongin always pretended to mess up on dancing just so minho would help him, especially with the sexy parts, Jeongin blushes at the thought of when minho taught him taste because the younger was "curious"

Jeongin looks over at minho, the older lost in a trance looking at a store with a bunch of pink plushies and minho silently whines for one.

Jeongin chuckles and pulls Minho into the shop Minho's eyes widen and he squeals in happiness.

The younger let's go of Minho's hand and minho looks around at the different plushies, his jaw drops when he sees a big fennec fox one and he runs to it and picks it up hugging it tightly, Jeongin cooed at Minho.

"Min you want that one?" Minho nods quickly and Jeongin chuckles holding out his hand and minho immediately takes it, still holding onto the big plush.

They want to the cashier and Jeongin places the plush down minho makes grabby hands for it but Jeongin hold his hands back.

"Min be patient you can have it after I pay" minho whines and nods, he looks down as he pouts and Jeongin chuckles and pays for the big plush toy.

Jeongin hands minho the stuffed animal and minho snatched it, Jeongin chuckles at his eagerness to hold the soft toy.

They walk the store and Jeongin catches a glimpse of their friends they nod at him and he nods back, he turns to minho and they both stop.

"Min" Minho turns to Jeongin and watches as the younger slowly sinks down on one knee his eyes widen.

"Lee Minho, I've known you for over 6 years and I've dated you for 3, call me crazy or not but recently I think I fell in love with you again, and it would make me the happiest man alive if you would like to become...." Jeongin grabs a small box from his pocket and opens it Minho's eyes become teary.

"My husband" minho wipes his tears and nods slowly.

"Yes of course!" Jeongin smiles widely and stands up and pulls minho into a kiss, their friends come out of hiding and all yell surprise!

The two stop kissing and Jeongin puts the ring on Minho's finger, and one on himself.

"Congratulations you gays!" Jisung says while holding a pride flag and running around the two.

Jeongin chuckles and shakes his head "Jisung calm you're ass down or you're going home without ice cream!" Chan says sternly and minho and Jeongin laugh as Jisung freezes.

He pouts and sluggishly walks to Chan and crosses his arms.

Everyone looks at Jisung a burst out laughing "haha he actually listens!" Hyunjin says and Jisung glares.

"Don't make me tell them about you and Felix!" Hyunjin and Felix gasp and Jisung smirks.

"Whoa what? What about you two?" Chan says confused.

Hyunjin death glares Jisung and the younger smirks wider "I caught them having sex in you're room Channie hyung"

Everyone gasps and Hyunjin tackles Jisung choking him and Chan pulls Hyunjin off.

"You nasty asses do that shit in you're room and HOUSE!" Seungmin says and fake gags.

Jeongin feels a tug on his sleeve and he looks at Minho and smiles "yes love?"

"Can we go please, i-its to loud" Jeongin's gaze softens and he nods.

"Guys me and min are heading out, he doesn't like all the noise" Chan nods and hugs both of them.

"Congratulations you two, now go have fun" he winks at them and minho blushes red and speeds off walking and Jeongin chuckles and runs after him.

"Min you ok?" He hides his laughter and he sees Minho's ears turn red he smiles softly.

"Min I'm not gonna make you do anything if that's what you're thinking, you deserve to go at you're own pace, and if you aren't ready to do anything more than cuddling or kissing then that's fine"

Minho holds his hand out and Jeongin smiles as he interlocks their hands.

"Thank you..." Jeongin hums.

"For what love?"

Minho turns to him, slight tears in his eyes and he holds his plushie and Jeongin's hand "for everything" Jeongin smiles brightly and kisses Minho's cheek and wipes his tears.

"You're welcome sweetheart" Minho smiles and leans in slowly and so does Jeongin.

They share a kiss, and not on that feels regular, no this kiss they felt so many emotions through, love, passion, comfort and happiness.

A true bond connecting the two, the end of a old relationship and into a new beginning of one.

Some might think it's cheesy but the two were like a puzzle and when they come together they fit perfectly.

And in time you might find you're own puzzle piece.

Or maybe it found you but you haven't realized yet....

This was shorter than I wanted but I'm still not used to writing fluff XD I mainly do smut

But anyways hope you enjoyed

And also what do y'all think of the last part of this chapter lol the puzzle thing?

Rate it 1/10

Words: 908

Peace out lovelies ❤️

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