icy goodness~ (minho x Jisung)

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(warning, will have smut and like idk what it's called exactly but kinda like ice play, and daddy and kitten name calling, and also will have very rough smut, and just so you know minho let's Jisung do anything he wants in this chapter so if consent isn't mentioned please don't worry, not comfortable reading then please skip,

Top Jisung bottom Minho)

To say Jisung was excited was a understatement.

Today Jisung wanted to test something, he's always seen the way minho has held in something everytime something cold touches him, so he wanted to try giving minho ice. (Hehehe the 69 word point sorry imma shut up-)

Jisung grabs a cup from the cupboard and fills it halfway with water, then he puts a couple pieces of ice into it.

He smiles to himself and heads towards his and Minho's shared room, he walks up to the side of the bed minho was laying on.

"Min baby, I brought you some water"

Minho whines in his sleep "m' five more minutes.."

Jisung chuckle at the boys cute behavior "min you need to wake up and drink this, because you know how you get in the mornings, now get up and drink"

Minho pouts but slowly sits up, he looks at Jisung with a pout and the younger chuckles.

"Here min" he puts the cup up to Minho's lips, and Minho sips it the makes a gurgled moan like sound and he moves quickly away from the cup.

"S-Sungie...i-its cold" minho says as blush covers his ears and face.

Jisung chuckles and pulls minho on his lap "now now min, I told you to drink it, do you want to be punished for not doing as I told you?"

Minho's eyes widen and he whines "b-but Sungie..."

Jisung slaps Minho's thigh and the older moans out at the contact with Jisung's cold hand.

"It's master to you kitten"

Minho gulps and nods his head "y-yes m-master.."

Jisung rubs Minho's thigh that he slapped and Minho bites his lip.

"Now be a good kitten and drink it"

Minho gulps and slowly takes the cup from Jisung, then he brings it to his lips, he closes his eyes tightly and starts drinking it.

"Good boy" Minho nearly stops as he feels the ice against his lips he pulls away quickly from the cup.

"No, bad kitten!" He slaps Minho's thigh  again and Minho moans out.

"S-Sungie, please i-its to c-cold"

Jisung scoffs and grabs a piece of ice from the cup, minho watches him carefully.

"You like the cold min, now since you wanted to not listen to me take off you're clothes right fucking now"

Minho's eyes widen and he blushes red "b-but Sungie-" Jisung slaps high thigh before he could finish "ah fuck!" Minho moans out, tears slightly filling his eyes.

"Take it the fuck off!"

Minho nods quickly and starts taking his clothes off, Jisung watches with hungry eyes.

Once fully undressed minho stands there covering himself and Jisung shakes his head.

"No covering love, you know I like seeing you"

Minho whines and nods slowly, he looks away as he moves his hands and Jisung smirks at seeing Minho hard and leaking already.

"Aw my kitten is all hard over just a bit of ice"

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