masked lover (minho x ???)

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(Mentions of abuse, public sex)

Today was the day minho would go to his first parade! He was so excited, he was practically jumping in his seat, as Chan drives.

"Min calm down you're gonna break you're seatbelt" minho whines and clings to Chans arm.

"but Channie I'm so excited!" Chan chuckles and pats Minho's head.

"Calm down or you're not going" minho huffs and scoots away from Chan, looking out the window.

"Damn old man...." he whispers and Chan raises a brow.

"What was that?" Minho groans.

"Nothing dad!" Chan rolls his eyes and continues driving.

It doesn't take them long for them to reach the place, once Minho sees it he squeals excitedly.

Chan flicks Minho's nose and the younger pouts "calm down now" he huffs and unbuckles his seatbelt but Chan stops him and minho whines.

"Promise me you'll stay near me, and not run off?" Minho scoffs.

"Now you really are acting like my dad.." Chan gives him a 'really' type look and minho groans.

"Fine!" Chan chuckles at his bratty behavior and let's him get out, and boy was minho quick to do that.

He steps out the car and runs towards the crowd and Chan groans.

"I swear he's like a fucking child!" Chan grabs their stuff and follows minho.

He could see minho jumping up and down by the street and he chuckles.

"Min I thought I told you to stay near me?" Minho huffs.

"But it was starting and you are to damn slow!" Chan chuckles.

"Minho there's isn't even any of the parade people here yet..." minho rolls his eyes and jumps in place again.

Chan sighs and let's minho since he knows he can't tame him.

About ten minutes later Minho's eyes widen as he sees a float he grabs Chan excitedly and shakes him "CHANNIE ITS A FLOATTTT" Chan chuckles and covers Minho's mouth.

"Hush min, you can't be loud ok?" Minho pouts but nods.

Once Chan let's him go minho watches the float closely and sees people on top of it he tilts his head at one of them and the person waves at Minho and motions for him to come closer since the float stopped at them.

Minho walks closer cautiously and the boy writes something on a piece of paper and hands a plushie and the note, Minho furrows his brows and takes it without question, as the float begins to move again he walks back to Chan.

"Channie look!" He holds up a pig plushie and Chan smiles.

"It's cute" he ruffles Minho's hair and the younger hisses.

"He also gave me this..." he shows Chan the note and the older takes it and sees numbers then it clicks, he smirks.

"The man gave you his number min!" Minho gasps and blush rises to his cheeks, and he quickly snatched the note from Chan and stuffs it in his pocket.

Chan chuckles and after about another hour the parade ended, Minho was starting to complain he's tired anyways so lucky for Chan they can go home.

Chan puts their stuff in the car and him and minho get in, and Chan starts the car, as minho looks at the number, and slowly types it in on his phone and he texts it.

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