Act 24

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On the next day, Liam and Cathleen decided to go to the center town to see Walfield again; however, it looks the same, but something was off. People were acting a little strange since the last accident back in 1987, like nothing happened, maybe relief, or simply leaving it aside and moving on.

As they were around, they came across the library that was close, and Cathleen said, "Uhh. That's odd. Normally, this place is open."

Liam recalled it as he pointed out, "My mother came here, and she got a book called 'Fire'..." as Liam looked across his arm at the store.

Cathleen responds, "'Fire' from Alexander Walf, right? He is pretty good at his work."

Liam looks surprised at Cathleen. "Wait, hold on. How do you know who the writer is from that book? My mom only sees 'A.W.' on the cover."

Cathleen just giggles, "Oh, well, my dad is a big fan of him. He likes dramatic stories. And actually, they used to be friends a while back."

Liam was confused. "Friends? So, you are saying that your father knew Alexander Walf in person?"

Cathleen nods. "Yeah. Like school season or something like that..."

Meanwhile, a few locals of the town were there, and also Alen, all dressed up and with a cap, to hear what the two police officers were talking about.

One of the police officers tried to come up with a solution: "We are trying to find a way to catch him. We are completely involved...," as he says to the people, until the oldest police officer was interrupted by a teenager girl with some flyers in her hands, who ran to him by being a little distracted by her phone in one hand and the other with some flyers and in a hurry, "Oh, I'm so sorry officer..." and dropped her phone and flyers, and split the oldest police officer's coffee on his shirt and coat.

The young and newest police officer said in a worried voice, "Hey Chief Fred, are you alright?"

Fred, the old police officer, said, "Yes, I'm fine, James. And just a stain..." and looks at the girl with a fake smile and laugh.

The few people, one in three, started to question Chief Fred and coworker James about the situation: "Chief, what is going on...?" another added, "Yeah, it can't believe that...," another added, "This strange event happened again..."

The girl immediately interrupts him, "If the police are fully involved to catch this Al..." and the police's old co-worker immediately interrupts her, "You should never mention his name, young lady."

And the teenager girl continues to argue with the old police officer, "Why is he still out there walking around and horrifying people?" The people agreed with her.

The old police officer tried to change the suggestion: "Why, wouldn't you go, and don't you spread your leaflets to the people, girl?"

And as Cathleen tries to help the young girl, she asks, "Hey, are you alright?" of what happened when she saw a teenager girl argue with an old police officer. She goes there, and as Cathleen picks up the girl's phone and looks at the girl with the flyers on the floor, she asks, "Sam?"

A.L.E.N - Between Shadows (Chapter 2)Where stories live. Discover now