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Klaus Mikealson, the thousand-year-old original vampire-wolf hybrid, was walking down the street thinking about his family when he heard sniffles. He followed the sound to a park on a boring street called Privet Drive where the houses looked the same. He saw a young girl, who looked about three with red hair, green eyes, and a lightning bolt scar across her forehead, sitting alone holding her face. As he approached, he smelled blood. 

'What happened to this girl? Is she hurt?' he thought, concerned for her wellbeing. 

He heard more sniffles like the girl was trying not to cry. In that second, he saw himself a thousand years ago hiding from his father trying not to cry cause all that would do is cause Mikael to harm him more. 

"Hello young one, are you ok?" He said crouching down so she wouldn't see him as a threat, "Are you hurt? Do you need help?" 

"My uncle was angry; Dudley broke his new toy and blamed me. I didn't do it! I told him so but he was so angry." The girl told him in a rushed voice, as if this uncle of hers would jump out and attack her for speaking. 

"What's your name?" The hybrid asked gently. 

"F-Freak, they call me freak" She said. 

Klaus Mikealson has seen a lot in his life, but nothing broke his heart quite like that answer. Who would call this girl that, clearly it wasn't her name, but she thought it was. He healed her cut forehead then convinced the girl to lead him to her home. 

"GIRL! I TOLD YOU TO NOT RETURN UNTIL THE MORNING!" Bellowed a large man from inside when she opened the door. 

"I'm sorry, uncle. He wanted to meet you." The girl said with her head down. 

Klaus was invited in by the giraffe like woman. He looked and saw picture of an overweight boy looking to be around 5 on the mantle. No where in the home did he see a picture of the little girl who stood next to him. 

"Hello, my name is Klaus. I was just returning your lost cub." He said with a sinister look, "However I think I'll take her with me." He said and told her to go collect her things. He watched as she walked to the broom cupboard under the stair and his blood boiled with rage. 

"YOU CAN'T TAKE HER. WE TOLD THE OLD MAN WE WOULD CRUSH HER!" The man screamed in his face. He looked in his eyes and compelled him to keep talking. "When we took her in, we got a letter from Headmaster Albus Dumbledore he told us to make her weak and malleable and desperate for care so she would follow his will. We have kept our end of the bargain and when she starts that freak school, we will get paid." The man said emotionlessly. 

Klaus grabbed the whale of a man's head and dove through his memories. He knew of the wizarding world, yet he never got involved in their affairs. Seems like in the future he will be for this girl, because like hell is he leaving her here. 

"Sweetheart grab your things. We are leaving and never coming back." He says making a note to come back with Kol and kill the swine. He is going to wake his sibling and reach out to Elijah. This girl needs a family and at the very least Rebekah and girl to learn from, god help them all.  

He takes her back to his home. It was supposed to be temporary, but he thinks she'll enjoy it. He walks her to the room next to his and looks at her. 

"This will be your room. We can decorate it anyway you want. How old are you?" she hold up five fingers, "Well then we will get you some toys, when my siblings get here. What do you want to be called." 

"I don't know." she said shyly, "How about Lilith, my aunt said her mom was going to name my mommy that but chose a different name." He smiled, "Then that is your name." He said and she smiled brightly. 

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