Triwizard Tournament

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We arrive and make our way to the great hall. I sit down next to Luna at the end of the table, we start chatting about this year, making bets on who will get with who. I bet Cho and Cedric would be together by the end of the year. She bets the Ron and Hermione with 3 fights by the time Samhain rolls around. 

Our conversation gets cut off by the sorting. Then dumbass- I mean Dumbledore stands to give his speech. When he is then interrupted by Filch. Then, sky starts lighting, and someone named "Moody," the new DADA professor, makes it stop. Dumbledore then announces that the quidditch cup is cancelled this year, causing outrage amongst to student. I can hear the twins yelling from the Gryffindor table. He is then interrupted by Filch. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year." Dumbledore says pausing for dramatics, "As you know, this tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, we have the lovely ladies and gentlemen." 

A group of girls dressed in blue walk in. My eyes are drawn to a blonde at the front next to large the Headmistress. The headmistress greets Dumblewhore and directs the girl to our table. Our eyes connect and I feel electric currents run over my body. It was so different from the connection with the twins. They gave me a feeling of safety and comfort. She makes me feel electric, powerful, and protective. She come and sits next to me. 

"Hello, I'm Fleur Delacour." She tells me in a French accent. 

"Bonjour ma belle, je m'appelle Lilith, mais vous pouvez m'appeler Lili

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"Bonjour ma belle, je m'appelle Lilith, mais vous pouvez m'appeler Lili." I tell her in fluent French. She blushes and we turn back to the front. (Hello beautiful, my name is Lilith, but you can call me Lili.) 

"From Durmstrang Institute, our friends from the north." A group of serious looking boys walk in. Dumbledore greets the headmaster and turns to direct them to the Slytherin table. I hear the girls whisper about Viktor Krum. 

"From each school, one champion will compete. The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire. However, due to the dangerous nature of the contest only those 16 and older will be able to compete." Dumbledore announces causing another wave of outrage in the hall. Once the hall is quite again, he continues: 

"I suggest that we all go back to our dormitories and contemplate the possibilities of who will be selected for this very difficult and dangerous tournament. Goodnight." 

We all head to our dorms. I turn to the Beauxbaton girl and tell her to meet me tomorrow morning after breakfast by the lake. I bid her goodnight and head to my dorm on the way I chat with Choa and Luna about the contest. Luna told me the wacksprouts were surrounding the new professor's head. Cho bet that I was probably going to get roped into the tournament. That's probably 5 gallons I am not getting back. 

Once we get into the dorm, we get changed into our pj's and head to bed

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Once we get into the dorm, we get changed into our pj's and head to bed. 

~~~~ THE NEXT DAY~~~~

It was a Friday when we got here. Meaning we have the weekend to prepare for class. I head down to breakfast early. Dobby, the elf Lucy gave me, popped coffee and a bowl of fruit in front of me. As I eat, I read a book on the spirt magic that Dad's mother practiced. Apparently, I have to learn some information on it because it'll help me in their world. 

As I am reading, I notice the hall getting more crowded. I immediately put a glamor on the book. According to Sirius, this type of magic was outlawed years ago by the Ministry. I feel someone sit down next to me. I look up to see Fleur sitting next to me. 

"Bonjour l'amour, veux-tu te diriger vers le lac maintenant?" She asked excited. (Hello love, do you want to head to the lake now?) I grab her a plate and but some fruit and eggs with bacon on it. 

"Mange d'abord, mon ange. Ensuite, nous pouvons aller nous promener." I say handing her the palate with a look. (Eat first, my angel. Then we can go for a walk.) She takes and eats quickly, "Lentement! Vous allez vous étouffer." (Slower! You'll choke.)

She slows down and eats while I continue to read my book while I keep an eye on her. Once she finishes, I put my book away and banish it back to my dorm. She stands and we walk to lake. 

(Please tell me if my translations are off. I used google translate at midnight, might be wrong.)

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