World Cup

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(The rest of the story will be in Lilith POV.) 

"Dad!" I yell through the house. Today is the quidditch World cup and we are supposed to go but Uncle Kol decided to kill 13 muggles as revenge and is getting yelled at so apparently, we can't go, according to Uncle Eli. 

"Lils, I know you really want to go but we can't. Your uncle is wanted." Finn told me making me put. 

"Ok so how about Uncle Eli and Uncle Kol stay here and we go. I mean Eli broke his stuff which made him kill people so both are punished, and I get to go see quidditch!" I say trying to convince dad. Dad and Papa Sirius get a mischievous look and agree causing Eli and Kol to start protesting. 

I run upstairs to get my things. Aunt Bekah is in America investigating rumors of a new doppelgänger so it's just me and the Overprotective squad, I mean my loving fathers and uncles. 

After I grab my bag, I run back downstairs and hop on Uncle Finns back and grab hold to the portkey and off we go. I wish Aunt Bekah was here, I just turn 14 a week ago and this is the perfect opportunity to try and find my mates, but my dad's and uncles try and kill every boy who gets close. In the distance I spot a group of redheads and see my twins amongst them. I wave and continue walking to our campsite.

As we climb to our seat we see the twin's father, Arthur, and Draco's dad, Lucy, arguing. Me being me can't leave it alone. 

"Uncle Lucy! How many times must I tell you the bleach is gonna ruin your hair!" I say poking his hair, "Oh Opps! Its falling out! That's how you know your bleaching it too much!" I tell him with a straight face, making him freak out checking his hair. I start laughing my ass off when he realizes I was kidding. 

"You insufferable brat!" He says walking off. "Love you too Lucy!" I yell waving behind him. 

After that scene, we continue to our seat. I turn and lock eyes with George and know, he's one of my mates. Turning to Fred I experience the same. I go to walk to them only to feel Uncle Finn pick me up and telling me I'll see them at school. I willingly go know he is right, unaware of the fear that my lack of disagreement cause. We sit and watch the match and after it ends, we immediately apparated back home. Narrowly avoiding the chaos that happened later that night.

The next morning, Dad and Uncle Finn sat me down to tell me something important. 

"Princess, we have to go to America. There is another doppelgänger, and we are going to break my curse and turn some hybrids so we won't be here for Christmas, however we will be back for summer holidays. I'm sorry." Dad tells me and I hug him. 

"It's fine Daddy. You go break your curse; I was gonna ask if it was ok if I stayed at school for the holidays this year anyway." I tell him happy he gets to be free. We all hug and Papa takes me to the train station and drops me off. 

"Don't behave prongslett! I better get an owl that you pranked someone this year, you hear me!" Papa tells me. I giggle at his silliness and salute him, and hop on the train and find a compartment. 

I pull out a book Uncle Kol gave me on alchemy rituals. I feel the train pull out and continue reading until someone walks into the compartment. I look up and see and angry looking Fred in front of me with a sad George sitting across from me. 

"Hey, I was hoping you would come and find me." I told them. 

"Really didn't seem-"

"-that way at the cup."

"Huh? Uncle Finn wouldn't let me go." I told them confused. 

"You didn't-"

"-even fight him-" 

"-you just went." 

"We thought you didn't want us." George tells me looking down. 

"Of Course, I want you! I was excited but Uncle Finn said that I would see you on the train and I didn't want to start a fight with him because then dad would hurt someone, and this is safer this way. I will tell him just not yet." I tell them standing and giving them hugs and sitting between them. "Oh, I have 4 mates, so I still have 2 to find." I finish as the compartment opens. 

Draco and my Slytherin friends walk, and we all start talking about the classes we are looking forward to this year. Luna joins us and tells us that her, Draco, Astoria Greengrass, and Ginny Weasley are mates and drag the other two girls in. We take this opportunity to tell them about me and the twins and discuss the number of mates we all have. Luna's was predicted because she's a seer and seer's have 2-3 mates while most only have 1 or possibly 2. I was very rare cause I have 4, only other one to have 4 was Merlin but he passed before he could find them all. 

The number of mates you have correlates to how powerful you are, the more power equals more mates.

Our conversation ends as we all put on our uniforms sperate to speak to other people. I get my book out and keep reading until we pull into Hogsmeade. 

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