Through the Years

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As Lilith grew, she with the guidance of the Mikealson siblings, mastered French, Italian, Latin, Gobbelgook, Spanish, and Hebrew. She topped most of her classes in school and was tutored in magic by Kol and an old friend of Elijah's named Cassiopea Zambini and played with her son Blaise. She learned history with Elijah and had many girl days with Rebekah. When she was seven, she started calling Nik her dad. From the age of 8 she was train in all kinds of self-defense including sword fighting, curtesy of her uncle Finn. By 10 she had practically mastered it all. 

At 11 she got her Hogwarts letter and Cassie took her and Blaise to Diagon Alley with Kol and Finn and the others were busy. There she met Draco Malfoy, who she became fast friends with. She was sorted into Ravenclaw and was named 'The Brightest Witch of the Age' mush to the anger of the Gryffindor Hermione Granger. She made friends with the Weasley Twins, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Susan Bones, the Patil Twins, Theo Nott, and Daphne Greengrass. She still ended up fighting Quirrell and Voldemort. 

In second year, she was exposed as a parcelmouth which Blaise knew as she told him when she was 6 and he caught her talking to a garden snake. With the backing of some people from every house she wasn't as outcasted and she still fought the basilisk with the help of Draco and Susan. After that she went to Gringotts and claimed her heir ships and got Sirius out of Azkaban. He came to live with the Mikealson's after discovering that he was her godfather and the only connection to her parents. Klaus, after ensuring Sirius wasn't going to take her away, helped Sirius reach out to his friend Remus Lupin and taught Remus control. 

Third year was relatively quiet. Thanks to her Inheritance test she knew she had 4 Soulmates and decided not the date till she was of age to find them (14). Due to have a competent DADA teacher she was able to actually learn something. Lilith confronted Snape about his behavior and told him to shove it and to stop bulling kids because it makes him no better than those who bullied him. With that prospective, Snape became a decent teacher and actually taught and several potions accidents became fewer and much less common. 

And that is where we find our Heroine about to begin her 4th year at Hogwarts and trying to find her soulmates. 

Inheritance Test:

Name: Iris Lilith Potter-Black

Father: James Potter (deceased), Sirius Black (blood adoption, wrongly incarcerated), Niklaus Mikealson (chosen by magic)

Mother: Lilian Jessica Potter nee Evans (deceased)

Status: Pureblood (due to blood adoption) 

Godfathers: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin

Godmothers: Alice Longbottom (insane, St. Mungos), Marlene McKinnon (deceased)  

Uncles: Finn Mikealson (chosen by magic), Elijah Mikealson (chosen by magic), Kol Mikealson (chosen by magic), Vernon Dursley (Muggle, Through Marriage) 

Aunts: Rebekah Mikealson (chosen by magic). Freya Mikealson (chosen by magic, magical coma), Petunia Dursley (Muggle)

Cousin: Dudley Dursley (Muggle), Draco Malfoy (blood adoption), Nymphadora Tonks (blood adoption)

Core: Grey (Gold Level, Equal to Merlin) 


Black (available when Lordship claimed)


Potter (father)

Peverell (father)

Gryffindor (father)

Ravenclaw (mother, squib line)

Hufflepuff (given by Magic)

Slytherin (by conquest)

Emrys (named as heir)

Pendragon (given by Magic)

Le Faye (mother, squib line)

Mikealson (adoption) 

Soulmates: (Unlocked at 14)





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