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It's been 2 months since the start of school, and I have been spending my time between classes with the twins and Fleur. We watched as students from all the schools put their names forth. 

Today is Halloween or Samhain and I spent the day upset and sluggish. Ever since 3rd year with the Dementors, looking for Peter Pettigrew, I spend the day reliving the death of my parents. Really puts a damper on the day. 

Most of the teachers are sympathetic to my sluggishness and sadness today. Most not all, Snape is always extra rude to me today. 

"POTTER-BLACK! What are you doing! We are making a sleeping drought, and you can't even get that right!" He yells stalking over to my cauldron, only to see that I have brewed the potion perfectly. 

"Fifty points from Ravenclaw for cheating! Get out of my class!" He yells banishing the potion and shooing me out of class. I grab my things and storm out to go talk to Flitwick about this. 

On my way to the charms class, I see a group of Durmstrang boys in the hall and walk over. I hear them whispering about the contest and lack of inclusion. 

"Hello boys! Is there something you need help with?" I asked them trying to be in the spirt of international cooperation. They look stunned that I spoke their language. 

"No, we don't need help. We are talking about the language barrier. Funnily enough." I laughed with them. We had a very pleasant conversation about school and the differences between them. I learn their names are Aleksander, Dimitar, Georgi, and Hristo. They are all entered into the tournament and apparently their headmaster is pushing them all to study and practice more. 

"I have to go talk to my head of house. My potions professor was especially nasty today. You would think that today of all days, he would give me the smallest of breaks, but I guess not. Have a good day." I told them walking to Flitwick's classroom. I arrive right as class lets out. 

"Professor Flitwick, I can't do this. He is completely unfair and-" 

"Ms. Potter-Black please explain, who? What happened?" 

"Professor Snape. I was making a sleeping draught, and it was finish and perfect. He walked over yell and then took 50 points for cheating, and I wasn't. He banished the potion and kicked me out of class!" I tell him and I see him becoming angry.

"Did he really?! I will be bringing this up to the headmaster. I give you 50 points for international cooperation. I saw you talking to those boys outside. If he takes any more points like that, please let me know." Professor Flitwick says, upset about the points, "Are you ok dear? I know what today is. My class is your next class so have a seat and get settled." 

I sit down and pull out my things. The rest of the day goes by in a rush. After classes gets done, I go The Room of Requirement and sit down in front of the fire. I think about my parents. I wonder what they would think about my mates. I know that they like Fred and George, I am honestly scared of what they would think about Fleur. 

Hours later, I cast tempus and see its 10 minutes before dinner and the choosing ceremony. I make my way to the Great Hall for dinner. 

I sit down and the Ravenclaw table next to Luna and listen to Luna talk about Nargles. I barely notice Fleur sit down next to me. I hardly notice the old coot start the feast. Luna puts some fruit on my plate and makes me eat. I vaguely heard her explain my behavior to Fleur, who grabs my free hand and holds in in comfort. 

After dinner, the Goblet is rolled out and I hear Dumbledore announce the champions. Viktor Krum for Durmstrang, Fleur for Beauxbatons, and Ricky (Cedric) for Hogwarts. The headmaster is explaining the when the first task is when the Goblet suddenly lights up again and shoots out another name. I groan knowing what coming. 

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