First Task

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Author's Note: 

So, since Ron and Lili were never friends none of the using Hermoine as an owl or long-winded convo about going to see Hagrid happened. It will be explained in this chapter. It will be either very long or very rushed. I don't know yet. 


It has been a week since I kissed the twins and I have basically been glued to all my mates since, this week they let us out of classes as we head up to the first task. 

The twins ran up to me at the lake when I was studying Dragons with Ricky, Vikky, and Fleur. 

"Dragons!" George panted out, "The first task is dragons!" He finished plopping down his head landing on my lap. Fred was out of breath leaning against the tree we are sitting against. 

"Yes, my twins. We know, Hagrid showed Madam Maxine, she told Fleur, Somehow Karkaroff found out and told Vikky. I'm assuming that Charlie told you two and thank you for the warning, we are studying them now. Do you want to sit with us?" I say, running my hand through George's hair while I lean against Vikky, who groans at the nickname, reading a book on dragons I got from the Emrys vault. 


"We'd love-"

"To join." They say and sit down and start chatting with Cedy, about dragons. 

After a few hours, Cedric leave saying he needs to 'talk' with Cho. The topic changes from Dragons to us and how it'll work with all of us. Fleur announced she got a job offer from Gringotts in London, so she was going to be closer by. Viktor said that the World Cup was his last year as a Quidditch player, and he is accepting his lordship and moving to London to be closer.

I began to feel horrible that they were moving closer to be with me and they quickly told me that these were their plans anyway just now in London. It made me exhale and feel less guilty. The twins are still planning on opening their joke shop, I offered to be a benefactor and so did Vik and Fleur, so they were debating not doing their final year. 

I started pouting. They were all going to be very far even though I get to see them more often I just really hate that they are going to be far away. I told them that I am planning to stay till sixth year and then take my NEWTS at the Ministry and travel the world for the final year. 

We noticed the sun going down and separated, the twins saying that they will wait for me at the doors. I warned them that I wasn't going to be staying in my dorm so I can practice and gain strength. Fleur said that it was ok and gave me a hug as we walked her to the carriage, I gave her a kiss on the cheek and watch her walk in. 

Proceeding to Vik's ship, we talked about him coming over this summer to my Manor, as we are planning to move there this year as it is finally rebuilt and large enough for the hybrid pack. Viktor kisses me on the head and walks and nods behind me. Turning I see the twins approaching, nodding back to Viktor. 

Saying goodnight, we walked back to the castle and head up to my common room I give both the twins kisses and answer the riddle and head in. I sit down next to Parvati and lay my head on her shoulder. She giggles.

"You seem distracted. Sexually frustrated?" She asks. 

"Shut up! It's complicated!" I tell her, blushing at her unusual bluntness.

"You have 4 mates and have kissed at least 2 of them. You don't have to do the actual deed to get release, fingers and tongues work." She says bluntly, reading her booking. I lift my head wondering why she's being so bold. Looking down I see the books she's reading.

"Interesting book. Isn't it one of mine?" I say grabbing it and looking at the title. 

"Yes, but it looked so interesting and don't worry I charmed the cover. Sadie Kincaid, I'm going to have to look her up and find more books. It's nice writing." I laugh. "But, in all seriousness, you have 4 mates and I'm sure that they would be happy to help you take the edge off." She tells me putting to book down so we can chat. 

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