Room of Requirement

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The next day, I got a letter from my dad.


I finally broke my curse. I spent three days as a wolf, also I found one of my mates her name is Caroline. She was friends with the doppelgänger until the ganger offered her up to be the vampire sacrifice in the ritual. I am going to be back in time for the final task co I can be there with you. Sirius in going to be there for the other two, he says. 

Currently, we are heading to New Orleans. Rebekah found out that your adopted brother Marcel is alive. I am going to try and bring him home. I found my second mate, Hayley Marshall, she has been an amazing ally with the wolves and has been teaching me their ways, everything I missed by growing up without my biological father. 

I have sent 3 hybrids to be with you, they will keep their distance and only help when necessary. Your Uncle Elijah told me about a clause in the contract that states that you only have to give a reasonable try to compete in the tournament. I figured you already knew that. Rebekah wants to rip whoever put my name in apart so do I. Please let us know when you do. 

-Love, Dad

I smiled. I really missed him and my family. I can't even acknowledge them as family in public, that kind of hurts. It always been hard to be away from them, especially now that I have my mates. I want to talk to Rebekah about my mates, Kol about my ideas for pranks, or Elijah about school. 

I decided to spend the day with the twins. I have spent so much time with my other mate lately I feel I neglected them. I get ready for the day and head to breakfast. I spend it chatting with Fleur and Luna about who I'm taking to the Ball. Fleur in going with George and Luna with Viktor because Champions can't go with each other, so Luna said she'd go with Viktor, so he was with someone he knew. 

After breakfast, I went and grabbed to twin and walked with them to the 7th floor. 

"What are we doing here, Love." George asks me. 

"I want to tell you something and I think that I found something interesting for you." 

I pace in front of the tapestry and suddenly a door appears, leading to a comfy living room type area with a stone fireplace. 

I sat down on the couch while they sit on the chairs

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I sat down on the couch while they sit on the chairs. I called Swifty and asked for 3 hot chocolate and snacks. While we wait, I kill time talking about a prank I want to pull. It's a spell from Rowena Ravenclaws book, it produces a defender animal it can be modified. It already had been changed once before for the Patronus charm. 

When the snacks arrived, I changed the topic, "I'm sorry," I said. "I haven't spent much time with you two lately and I feel like I put you on the back burner because I already knew you." 

"I know that you feel that way, but-" 

"-We understand. When you were hanging out with Krum yesterday, -" 

"-We spent time with Fleur trying to learn to get along with her." 

"We are planning to spend time with Krum sometime this week."

They told me in their twin speak. Contrary to popular belief they don't love to do it all the time but it's what was impressed upon them to do from a young age. 

"Boys, it's me. You know that if you don't want to twin speak you don't have to." I tell them, they breathe a relieved breath and I continue, "And thank you, for trying to get along with them." 

They stand and walk to the couch I am on and sat down next to me. 

"Thank you, baby. You always know what to say to us." Fred tells me pulling me into his side and kissing my head. 

"You are the only one that doesn't expect us to be exact copies of each other." George tells, pulling me from Fred's arms, "I love you so much and have since my 4th year. I love you, my angel."

Tears well in my eyes at his words. 

"I love you too, Chaos." I tell him and I grab his neck and pull him to me. Our lips connect and I swear fireworks go off in the back. He snakes arms my waist and pull me closer to him, my arms winding around his neck. His lips are soft and warm and taste like chocolate. I feel like I could kiss him forever, but our lungs burn for air, so we pull back. We rest our foreheads against each other. I smile at him, and he huffs out a laugh. 

"If I had known that telling you I love you would get you to kiss me, then I would have done it sooner." 

"That was my first kiss." I realized; I hear a groan from behind me. I turn to see Fred pouting. 

"I wanted your first kiss." 

"Maybe you can be my second, if you behave." I tell him with a smirk and lean back into his arms and cuddle into his chest and get comfy with my feet on George's lap. 

We spent the rest of the day chatting about pranks and random things when suddenly George announces that he has to go. 

"Love you angel." He tells me giving me a quick kiss and a slap to the back of Fred's head and leaves. 

I turn to Fred as he just looks at the fire. I smile at the way his face looks in the fire light.

"I love you, my fox." I tell him he looks at me and a smile takes over his face. 

"I love you too, Babygirl." 

He cups my face and gives me a kiss. Unlike Georges, which was consuming, his was like a breath of fresh air. I move so I am straddling his lap and his hand grab my hips as my arms circle his neck. He tastes like saltwater taffy. We pull back and smile I stay on his lap and lean in and lay my hand on his shoulder and he moves to hold me. I smile against his neck, and he moves to lay down and we doze off till Swifty wakes us before curfew, so we don't get in trouble. 

He walks me to my dorm and kisses me goodbye and I head into my common room and talk to Luna and Cho about the tournament. 

~~~ THE FIRST KISSES!!!! Yay, I updated. Please comment I actually enjoy reading them. Have a good night!~~~

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