Final Mate

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I turned to see Viktor jogging to catch up with me. 

"Hello Viktor." I smile as he jogs to catch up to me. 

"Wow! Hello, you must be the girl my friends were talking about. They one that they spoke too in the corridor." He says with a small smile. 

"Yes, that was me. I think, can't really read their minds."  I tell him with a giggle. His expression when I spoke to him in his native language. I love people's response when I speak in their native tongue. 

"I would hope you can't read their minds. Will you meet me tomorrow in the Hall? I would like to walk with you, get to know you." He gives me a smile that knocks the breath out of me. I blush at him.

"Yes, I'll meet you. We can go to the greenhouses?" I tell him both uncertain and excited. I really want him to accept me. I see Luna waving at me from behind Viktor. I hold up a finger telling her to hold on. 

"Of course, I would love too. If you want to take me?" 

"OK, see you tomorrow!" I tell him, I lean up and give him a kiss on the cheek and walk away. Halfway to Luna I notice her smile and it hits me. What did I just do?!

Luna grabs me hand and drags me to the common room. When I walk the room goes quiet, Padma Patil walks up to me. I expect ridicule about my name coming out of the goblet.

"Are you ok?! Are they making you compete? You swore on your magic, so obviously you didn't put your name in. Is there any way around it?" Padma asks while the common room goes quiet to hear my response.

"Y-yes I have to compete." I say my voice breaking over the words tears in my eyes, "They said if I don't, they are going to take my magic and titles. Also, I am really thankful that you believe me, I know that many won't. No, I am not ok." I say and they gasp when I say that they will take my magic and more gasps at the fact I could lose my titles. 

The room goes up offering advice and in cries of outrage on my behalf. I smile a watery smile, feeling safe and like I have support, for the first time not in my home. 

"Thank you all! I have the contract and will be sending it to my solicitor. Again, I thank you for the support, I know that many still wouldn't believe me." I say truly thankful. 

I smile thankfully and bid them all goodnight. I send the contract of with my house-elf Swifty, and head to bed. 

Author Note: 

Sorry that this is so short. I had a very emotionally taxing day. 

On that note, I need to rant: 

Anyone else have a boss that was amazing then suddenly turn into a major asshole who took out all their problems on you. That is my current issue, I work at a fairly busy burger place, and I had an incredible boss like one of the employee favorites. Last week though he turned into total jackass and seems to have pointed it at me. Today was the like 5th time he has yelled at me in front of my coworkers and costumers. To the point where even the costumers decided to snap at me too! I had to finally refuse to work on his shifts until the situation is resolved. 

Sorry for my rant... Anyone else have horrible boss stories? 

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