Yule Times

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After the argument, the days went fast. Suddenly, it was cold and snowing. I hated it, I have always hated the snow. I haven't been able to breathe since the air got cool. I usually take something, but my dad hasn't owled them yet.

Waking up miserable, I get dressed in my school clothes and throw my hair in a messy bun and call for a hot coco and grab my bag. I head down to the hall alone sipping my coco, I have to stuff this all back in and pretend to be fine. I don't want my mates or classmates to know I don't feel well.

I finish my coco as I make it to the hall and sit in my seat. It's early so there are very few people in the Hall, two Slytherins and three Ravenclaws all scattered with books in hand. I pull out my charms book and start reading about the summoning charm, Accio.

I notice someone sit down next to me and look to see Fleur; I lean my head on her shoulder and keep reading my book. Luna reaches over and takes me book out of my hands.

"Pay attention! I need to dish!" Luna tells me dramatically and starts ranting about everything that happened yesterday. Apparently, Draco got into an argument with Astoria and both sides are a bit in the wrong and she decided to stay out of it, which was very smart. Eventually she runs out of rant and gives me back my book and walks to the Slytherin table.

"She really just took my book, ranted, and ditched?" I say incredulously, then start laughing. "I love that girl!"

Suddenly the owls came flying in. Katie, Aunt Rebekah's new pet owl, landed in front of me. She stuck out her leg with the potion that I take during the winter to keep me sane. With curious eyes watching me, I pop the top off and chug is down listening to the yells of people telling me not to.

Suddenly feeling better, I smile and giggle at Fleur and Vikky who are watching me.

"What the matter, my loves?" I ask.

"You just drank something without knowing the source!" Vikky says calmly, as if talking to a child.

"It was from my Aunt Bekah, for my sinus' issues." I giggle at his worry for me. I love the feeling of them taking care of me. 

Dumble's stood and announced the Yule ball.  Apparently, the Champions have to enter separately. Me and my mates already have a plan to attend. Fleur is going with George, I am going with Fred and Vikky is going with Luna, we are planning to spend the whole night just the five of us and Luna is going to spend the night with Draco who is coming with Astoria. 

Suddenly there is a loud thump and I looked to my right and see Fleur staring at my nervously.

"Whatever it was I didn't do it! And even if I did, you can't prove it." I tell her making her laugh. 

:I was just going to ask if we could spend the day together?: Fleur says shyly, :Alone: 

I nod at her a relay the plan to my friends. Once I make sure they are aware of the plan I stand with Fleur and offer her my hand as we walk out of the hall. She takes me to her private suite in the Bauxbaxtons carriage and shut the door behind her. 

:What's wrong, my dove?: I ask confused as to why she is worried. 

:I wanted to try something but I am nervous to ask.: 

:What is it?: I ask curious. 

:I am not ready to bond yet but I have been feeling incredibly frustrated: She whispers :I wanted to see is you would help me with that: 

I laugh and reach for her. :All you have to do is ask. What do you want me to do?: 

:I don't know, just make me feel relaxed I guess: 

:You know that binding as a Veela is different, easier. All it takes is me touching you in a sexual manner and we are bonded?: I ask to ensure this is her desire.

:Yes, please. I want this but we won't be fully bonded until I mark you and I promise I won't: She says desperate. 



I lean in and kiss her, she immediately responds with a moan. I run my hands up and down her sides as she pulls at my shirt trying to lift it off of me. I allow her to remove my shirt. 

:Take of your clothes" I tell her. She rushes to my request and pull them off. When she is nude in front of me I pull my clothes of and call her toward me. 

I sit on her bed and pull her to straddle my lap. I kiss her and move down her throat nipping at her delicate skin. One hand drift down and I look at her for confirmation that is what she wants, at her nod, I run my fingers through her folds cause her to let out a load moan. 

Quickly casting a soundproof bubble around the room, I flip her on her back and continue playing with her clit, gauging her reactions. Soon she is panting and begging for more. I thrust my fingers into her and rub her clit with my thumb, taking a nipple in my mouth. 

Her pleas and moans get louder, and I know she is close. I lean up for a kiss. 

:Cum for me, my dove: I whisper into her ear and she releases on my hand. Pulling my hand out I suck her off one of my fingers and run it over her mouth. She takes it into her mouth and looks me in the eyes. 

:Thank you, Mistress.: She says in a haze and begins dozing off. 


I remember one of Elijah's more restricted books, that I most certainly wasn't allowed to read. "When a female Veela mates, its discovered if they are dominate or submissive. While most are submissive when mated to males, they have been known to be very dominate over their female mates. If a female Veela is submissive to her female mate, it means that they are truly comfortable around them will only every be with them, even if they pass."

I smile ate that and let her curl into me. I look down at my Veela and fall asleep, happy that she is truly comfortable around me. 

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