Father, Father (A Christmas Poem)

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"Father, Father, here I lay
Beneath the tree, on Christmas day

Recalling Christmas, years ago
The ground was buried deep in snow

And I wrote all year, for but one thing
That only Santa, could ever bring

Knock on my door, at Christmas eve
And until New Year, do not leave

So that year, I snuck down late,
And saw him- Santa- standing great.

He gave a wave, and smiled at me
I was happy as a kid could be

Or so I thought- before I found
His big white beard had hit the ground

And standing there, was no other,
Than you, my very own father

I screamed out loud 'you lied, you lied!'
You looked at Mum, and sighed 'I tried.'

I cried to her ' I don't want Dad!'
'I wanted Santa, now I'm sad!'

That day I cried out all the tears
And washed away the Christmas cheers.

Now years have passed, & I still write
In hopes to make a special night

But this year I beg for something more
That means much more than all before

I ran downstairs and there I see,
You stand beneath the Christmas tree

You gave a wave and smiled at me
I was happy as a teen could be

Or so I thought- until I found
Your soft black beard fell to the ground

And standing there, against all laws,
Was no other than Santa Claus

I screamed out loud 'you lied, you lied!'
He looked to Mum, and sighed 'I tried.'

I hugged her tight, so sad, so sad
'I don't want him. I just want Dad.'"

-Arabella Katt (xCaptainCl3mentinex)

A/N: Really different style than I'd normally do. Struggled to say everything I invisioned. Hopefully it's still good!

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