08: Missed.

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"This is crazy

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"This is crazy." Renjun walked around the VIP room, wondering how the hell a hospital one could look so luxurious and almost like a five star hotel's - minus the unpleasant circumstances, of course.

"I know." Youra quickly looked around too as she tried to peal a tangerine with one hand, having no luck whatsoever.

As soon as the boy heard her sigh, he quickly walked over with a chuckle escaping his lips. He sat beside her, peeling the desired fruit for her for which she thanked right away. Renjun cleared his throat, unsure if to even say what he really wanted to say, but he continued to do so. "So, Jeno got you this room."

Youra glanced up at her smirking roommate. "What's with the smirk?"

He shrugged, smiling some more. "I just never seen him care for anyone other than himself or the other two from their little pack."

The girl fixed herself up, thinking. He did have a point, it was a bit out of place considering Jeno and her weren't exactly on good terms ever since they first met and every time they crossed paths, something terrible happened - just like the accident. "I don't know, maybe he had a calling or something." she chuckled, making the boy do the same. "Either way, I should thank him. Which reminds me,"

"Oh no." Renjun paused what he was doing as he glanced at his roommate.

"Can you check the room he's in?"

"Wait, you want to go now? The doctor said you shouldn't move around just yet."

"Well, I don't care, I just want to quickly say thank you and see how he's doing. I heard he's fine and has some broken ribs but I need to see for myself."

Renjun let out a chuckle. "Rich people's luck is crazy." The girl rolled her eyes, pushing him off the bed to rush him to finish the little mission. "Ok, ok, I'm going." he added, handing her the fruit she craved so much.

While the boy was out playing detective, the girl's father came back with more snacks from the vending machine. Youra chuckled while he put them all on the bed. "Dad, you didn't have to. There's no way I can eat it all, I won't be here for that long."

"Then you'll finish it at home. I'll cook you delicious food every day too, until you get back to health."

Youra's face dropped and she furrowed her brows. "Home? Dad, I'm not going home."

The man seemed as confused as she was. "What do you mean? Who else is going to help you if you stay here?"

"Dad, I have uni, classes, the semester just started and I can't skip so much of it. It's just a broken arm and I'm sure Renjun will help me around the house, at campus probably too." she put her hand on his. "I managed to meet nice friends, I'm sure they'll help a little."

He smiled, patting her head. "That's right, this Jeno boy and his family seem really sweet. He seems like a good friend."

Youra gulped, faking a smile since the word "friend" didn't fit her and Jeno's true relationship at all. But, to reassure her father and for him to not make her go back home, she nodded, telling him that everything would be just fine and she was in good hands.

"I found it!" Renjun ran into the room, all exhausted, startling the girl's dad while she tried not to burst out laughing.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"He's in room V20." the boy breathed harshly.

Youra furrowed her brows. "Why were you running like that?"

Renjun walked over closer, holding onto his chest. "I think he's going home soon, I heard the nurses talk."

The girl nodded, taking the blanket off her body, confusing her dad once again. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm just going to thank Jeno."

"The doctor said-"

"Dad, I don't care. I'll be back in a second, my legs are fine, relax."

The man sighed, shaking his head. "My Youra, stubborn as ever."

"I'll go with her, sir." Renjun suggested, earning a nod from her father.

The two walked slowly towards the room when Youra suddenly felt fear take over her. She knew Jeno was fine, but seeing him after something so traumatic for both of them was making her anxious on so many levels. She didn't talk much about her memory of the accident with anyone, but the truth was that she remembered Jeno wanting to save them both as he rushed to embrace her and avoid the terrible impact, sadly to no luck. Youra didn't understand why he went out of his way to help her when it seemed like giving her a lift home was the maximum of his kindness towards her, which only made the girl even more nervous to see him after everything that happened, after everything he's done for her.

"That's it." Renjun pointed to V20. "I'll wait here."

Youra nodded with a smile, slowly making her way towards the room. She gulped and as she was about to knock, she glanced through the little door window. Confused and slightly disappointed, she opened the door, making the nurses turn back around.

"Can we help you?" one of them asked, walking over to Youra with a sweet smile on her face.

"Um- yes, actually." the girl chuckled awkwardly, scratching her head. "I'm looking for the boy that was in here, Lee Jeno."

"Oh, I'm sorry, dear, you just missed him. He went home."

Youra hummed, nodding as she looked around. The nurse tilted her head and suddenly asked "you're the girl who was in that accident with mr. Lee, aren't you?"

She nodded again, putting on a soft smile. The woman reciprocated with the same and since she sensed why Youra came to find him in the first place, she blurred out "Mr. Lee was doing fine, that's why we sent him home. He just had few broken ribs and scrapes, similar to yours. Overall, he's ok, you don't have to worry."

Youra smiled, thanking the woman. As she walked out of the empty room, she wondered "am I actually worried about him?". While she walked with eyes glued to the ground, not hearing anything happening around her, she suddenly felt a gentle grab.

"What's going on? That was fast." Renjun furrowed his brows since the girl was about to walk past him as if she forgot he was there too.

"Oh, he's not there. He went home already." she said, continuing to walk with a plastered and dishonest smile.

Her roommate only nodded, observing her behavior while they quietly made their way back to the other VIP room, the one neither her or her dad had to pay for, thanks to Jeno.

Her roommate only nodded, observing her behavior while they quietly made their way back to the other VIP room, the one neither her or her dad had to pay for, thanks to Jeno

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double update 🤭 kind of a calm filler yet important for the story line
what are we thinking?

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