11: Genuine.

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Jeno kept his eyes out the window, taking in the views of Youra's hometown

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Jeno kept his eyes out the window, taking in the views of Youra's hometown. The amount of nature and older looking houses made him feel like he either traveled back in time or to a place really far away. When he glanced at his parents sitting next to him, with their eyes glued to their phones, he almost chuckled, thinking how they didn't care about anything other than work. They couldn't even drive there themselves and had to get their personal driver to do so.

As soon as the expensive and fancy looking car drove slowly to park in front of family Sim's house, Youra smacked her father's arm nervously, screaming "they're here!" once she saw it through the kitchen's window.

Her dad laughed, not being nervous at all or at least trying not to seem like it for his daughter's sake. After all, he was a great cook and everyone loved his food - if he couldn't satisfy the rich family with at least that, then there was nothing else he could do for them.

Youra rushed towards a mirror, checking the only dress she owned wrapped around her body. She carefully scanned the tiny, floral pattern all over it and how nicely the dress moved around whenever she walked. Her hair was completely down, slightly hiding her shoulder on one side while the rest of it hang loose on her back. A small chuckle escaped her lips at the sight of a cast ruining her cute look, but she didn't really care that much, it gave her a unique charm.

When the doorbell rang, her head snapped to the side, making her nervous even more. They were about to welcome one of the richest people in Seoul in their little and not so fancy house, and Jeno, out of all people, was going to be the first "friend" she'd ever let inside.

Youra and her dad walked over to the door to welcome the three together. "Hello! Welcome, please come in." he said.

"Hello, nice to see you again." mrs. Lee smiled first at Youra and then at the man of the house.

Once the parents walked in, another person came to view.  He finally picked his head up, meeting Youra's eyes. When he quickly glanced down and noticed her dress, he gulped, walking inside.

"Hi." she smiled softly at the boy.

"Hey." he cracked a smile too, at the same time revealing a bouquet from behind him.

Youra's eyes widened as she stared at a sight she never thought she'd see - Jeno with flowers in his hands. Not wanting to think too much, she figured it must've been for her dad, but she was so wrong.

He walked even closer to the girl, extending his arm. When she looked down at the flowers and back up into his eyes, she still couldn't believe what was happening.

"We couldn't come empty handed." he blurred out.

Youra's cheeks were burning badly at this point when she finally managed to take them into her own hands. "Thank you." she said, glancing at the boy who tried his best to avoid her eyes at all costs.

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