Only bad things seem to happen whenever Jeno and Youra get in each other's way, until a traumatic experience bonds them forever, either they want it or not.
"This scar connects us."
STARTED: 24/11/2023
FINISHED: 25/01/2024
#1 nct
#1 kp...
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The four days spent with her dad, in her home, were exactly what Youra needed. She enjoyed the nature, walks with her father that they talked through every single time, coffees on the porch, and even working in the garden which mr. Sim neglected too much for her liking.
It was still pretty cold outside, but Youra needed to occupy her mind all the time in order not to overthink and let herself collect her thoughts without a rush. For the first two days since she left Seoul, Jeno sent her a text every morning, wishing her a good day as if he wanted her to know that she was on his mind. Although, yesterday she didn't receive one, neither did she the next day.
"Dad, I'm going to the store! I'll buy some stuff for dinner!" she yelled, hopping on a bike and riding off. In order not to overthink about why Jeno stopped texting her, she needed an activity to focus her mind on instead, and a big dinner was what she had planned for that day.
After about twenty minutes, someone began to knock on the door, making mr. Sim furrow his brows. "Is she back already? How did she do it so quick?" he mumbled under his breath, walking over to open the door.
"Hi, mr. Sim."
The man's eyes widened upon seeing Jeno who was breathing heavily while sweat shone on his forehead.
"I'm sorry to show up unannounced, but I really need to talk to Youra."
Mr. Sim eventually came back to his senses and invited the boy inside. "She's not home, she went to buy some groceries, but you can wait inside. It's not too warm outside yet. Although, it seems like you're sweating."
"Oh," Jeno wiped his forehead, letting a soft chuckle escape his pale lips. "I was in a bigger rush than I thought."
The man smiled, seeing how desperate the boy was to talk to his daughter. "Sit down, I'll make you some tea. You look like you're cold despite the sweat."
Jeno bowed, thanking the man. He rubbed his freezing hands together as he finally sat down by the table that him, Youra and their parents once shared a meal at. The memory painted a small smile on the boy's face, which mr. Sim caught right away.
"Here." the man placed a cup of tea in front of Jeno.
"Thank you, sir."
"It should help you warm your hands too."
The boy smiled, nodding as he placed his palms around the warm cup.
Mr. Sim sighed, sitting across from Jeno. Once their eyes met, the man suddenly blurred out "what took you so long?" which took Jeno off guard.
He hummed, chuckling as he began to feel a little embarrassed. "I wish it took me less time to find out the truth."
The man hummed as well, nodding. Suddenly, he placed his hand on top of Jeno's, surprising the boy. "I'm glad you're here and I'm sure Youra will be too."
A smile forced itself onto the boy's face and the two chitchatted, waiting for Youra to come back home, which happened after about half an hour later."
"I'm back! Man, is it colder than I thought!" she exclaimed, making both Jeno and her father stand up from their seats. "I got chicken, rice, kimchi, and-" she froze upon seeing the boy she so desperately tried not to think about for the past few days.
A smile grew on Jeno's face simply from seeing her enter the room. The blush on her cheeks caused by the cold weather only made her look even prettier, and he wanted nothing less than to hug her warmly. Although, "hi" was all he said.
Youra's eyes filled with tears as soon as she saw Jeno standing in front of her, looking as handsome as ever. After few seconds of complete silence, she gulped, putting the bags of food onto the counter and suddenly running out of the house.
The boy didn't think twice and ran after her as well, having to handle the freezing cold once more, but it didn't seem like a big deal at that moment.
Youra didn't stop even when he called her name, she ran as fast as she could with her weak legs caused simply by seeing him so out of nowhere. She wiped her tears while trying to get as far away from the house as possible. But, Jeno wasn't there to give up so easily.
"Youra, please, wait." he said, grabbing onto her arm. "Please, let's talk. I'm so sorry it took me so long to find out what happened."
With those words, the girl paused in her tracks, letting a loud sob escape her purple lips. Jeno stood in front of her, letting himself catch a breath for a second before engulfing her into a hug. Upon feeling his arms wrap around her, she cried even harder, letting all the tears flow with hope of never having to deal with them again - at least not because of the same reason.
"I'm so sorry." she heard him say as he hugged her close to his chest, brushing her hair. "I should've been there for you."
"You didn't know."
Jeno suddenly pulled away from the hug, cupping her face instead. "Why didn't you tell me?" he said with tears in his eyes too. "Why didn't you just tell me, baby?"
"I don't know." she mumbled, glancing down since his sad eyes were too hard to handle.
Jeno gently kissed her forehead before embracing her whole once again. "She's never going to hurt you again, I promise. Do you trust me?"
She nodded, hidden in his arms.
After pulling away again, Jeno gently wiped her cheeks dry, chuckling softly. "Otherwise they'll freeze on your skin, you don't want that, do you?"
Youra chuckled too, also wiping his tears away. "Same goes to you."
"Are you ready to get back inside?"
The girl nodded, smiling softly as she sniffed. When Jeno grabbed her hand, the butterflies she missed so much filled her stomach once again.
Mr. Sim watched through the window as the young couple walked back home hand in hand, and he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.
Once the two got back inside, enjoying the warmth that quickly hugged their bodies, they noticed Youra's dad playing master chef in the kitchen.
"Dad, I'll help you."
"No, you two just go talk, I got this."
The girl chuckled, glancing at Jeno. "We can both help." he suddenly said, catching the older man's attention. "Let's cook together."
Youra's dad smiled and nodded, agreeing since he knew he wasn't going to win that fight. As the three of them began to prepare meat and vegetables, they smiled and laughed the whole time, feeling like everything was finally the way it was supposed to be.
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double update 🤭 aren't they just so cute 😭😭😭 we're slowly coming to an end with this one too btw 🥺