13: Oddinary.

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"Honey, it's time to go home

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"Honey, it's time to go home." mrs. Lee knocked on the wide open door to Youra's room, making the two flinch away from each other as if they did something wrong for her to see.

"Ok, coming." Jeno answered, both him and Youra earning a weird glance from his mom before she went back downstairs. The boy smiled softly at the room's owner, pointing to the exit. "I better get going."

She smiled, nodding as she walked behind him.

As soon as they reached the downstairs hallway, they almost burst out laughing seeing their dads wrapped arms around each other, barely standing on their feet as their faces were the reddest they could get. The young two shared a glance, trying to remain calm.

"Son, this little family is amazing. I love this man." mr. Lee patted mr. Sim and turned back to Jeno. "You two should get married, we'd be a family."

Youra's eyes widened and so did Jeno's, feeling his cheeks warm up at the comment. Mrs. Lee looked terrified and was taken aback by her drunken husband's crazy words, so she pulled him away from the man of the house. "I think you've had enough, darling. Thank you for the lovely evening, mr. Sim."

"Thank you for everything and for coming." the man bowed drunkly, loosing his balance as his head began to spin once he did so.

Youra caught her dad, but it was harder for her to keep him in check with just one free and healthy hand. Jeno noticed right away and wrapped her dad's arm around him from the other side. "Go ahead, I'll be right there, I'll just help her get him to bed. She has a broken arm."

Mrs. Lee gulped, glancing from her son to Youra who had no idea what the woman was afraid of. Eventually, though, she nodded, saying bye to the young girl and getting her husband into the car with the help of their driver.

"This way, right?" Jeno pointed to one of the rooms downstairs.

Youra chuckled. "You remembered, I'm impressed."

The two shared a smile before making their way to the man's bedroom. Once they managed to lie him in bed, Jeno was ready to leave, but mr. Sim suddenly grabbed the boy's hand. Surprised, he glanced at Youra who seemed just as much taken aback.

"You're a good boy, Jeno. I wish my daughter would some day end up with someone like you."

Youra's eyes widened as she chuckled, telling her father to get himself together, meanwhile Jeno gulped and glanced at the girl for a split second before cracking a laugh as well. Not being able to find a response, the boy just stood there until the old man's grip loosened and he covered himself with a blanket as if he didn't just say such an out of ordinary thing.

The girl tried to ignore her blushed cheeks, thinking that if she did so, Jeno wouldn't notice, but he did. "Let's go." she said, smiling and leaving the room without waiting for Jeno to follow.

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