Only bad things seem to happen whenever Jeno and Youra get in each other's way, until a traumatic experience bonds them forever, either they want it or not.
"This scar connects us."
STARTED: 24/11/2023
FINISHED: 25/01/2024
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If anxiety was a person, it would be Youra at that exact moment. She felt her body sweat in every spot possible while laying out plates for the dinner Jeno and her prepared for his parents. Knowing about their plans for their son to marry a girl Youra genuinely hated to bits, she worried how they'd react once Jeno announced a relationship with her instead of Siwon whom they seemed to love way too much.
Youra remembered everything that mr and mrs. Lee did for her after the accident, so she couldn't quite hold a grudge against her boyfriend's parents. Deep down, she knew they had a good heart and cared for their son more than they liked to show. As she put down glasses onto the table, she remembered how they got along so well with her dad, forgetting about the social class differences, which was a sight she could never forget.
She was taken out of her thoughts once she felt a pull by her waist. Meeting Jeno's eyes and seeing his sweet smile, she immediately calmed down a little bit too. "I can see you're nervous. Don't overthink it, babe. No matter what, I'm not giving up on you, ok?"
The girl's fingers ran through Jeno's hair as her face scrunched up. "I know." she mumbled, placing a soft kiss onto her boyfriend's lips. As soon as their lips separated, the doorbell turned both their heads towards the main door. Youra gulped, trying to keep it all together meanwhile Jeno walked over to welcome his parents.
Youra bowed once her and the couple were in each other's sight. Mrs. Lee's mouth fell agape a little upon seeing the girl and mr. Lee seemed less surprised than they would've expected him to be.
When the woman paused in her tracks out of surprise, Jeno gently placed his hand on her back. "The dinner's ready."
"Good evening, mr. Lee." Youra greeted the man, bowing slightly once again.
"Good evening, miss Sim. I'd like to say it's a surprise to see you here, but it isn't." he glanced back at Jeno who sent him a smile with a meaning that was hard to crack even for his father.
The girl gulped, waiting to properly say hi to Jeno's mom as well, which she did right away. Mrs. Lee cracked a smile while greeting Youra, but the confusion and fear on her face was way too obvious for the young couple not to notice.
Once everyone finally took their seats, an awkward silence filled the air. Jeno cleared his throat before introducing the food him and Youra made from scratch and telling everyone to enjoy it. Without a word, his parents began to eat while Youra tried to read their faces to figure out if they liked it or not. When mr. Lee nodded, chewing meat, the girl almost let out a relieved sigh.
"It was really good. I guess you're a great cook after your father, Youra." mr. Lee sent the girl a small smile. She thanked for the compliment, saying that he was completely right about that.
Mrs. Lee wiped her mouth carefully not to ruin the lipstick on her lips. Once she cleared her throat, she blurted out "will you tell us why you invited us here? And why you didn't mention the additional guest?"