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"A scream tore me away from my measly thoughts, only did I realize it was Ash who screeched".

This was the commencement of the storm which brings gloom, destruction, death, and chaos. And this storm was none other than Elder Connor who turned out to be the biggest cheat, faster than you can actually pronounce the word 'betrayer'. I am genuinely surprised, I have wit left to be saying this at this crucial scene.

Before, I could take few seconds of breath, wolves had started stirring, sorry attacking would be the right word. Some of the enemy wolves had completely surrounded us from all sides, some of them were straight upcoming for our throats. Alpha Xavier had barely managed to land a satisfying punch on to Elder Connor, when wolves decided to pounce on him. With his hybrid power, he managed to dodge and attack both of them without getting injured, yet we were losing time and heavily outnumbered.

The leader of rogues, Ralph-the-dangerous-rogue decide to take on me, and finish what he wasn't able to do the last time we were at the battle. He lunged at me, and almost immediately a reddish-brownish wolf jumped at him and managed to scratch one of his eyes. He bellowed in pain, and was commanded his rogues to comes for us. I genuinely felt helpless, a) I didn't have my wolf, b) regretted not taking Alpha Xavier's training classes seriously, c) Rave was still tied to the pole, and was almost on the verge of unconscious, and nobody was around to protect him

The reddish wolf without wasting a single rhythm started rushing towards Rave, when a rogue jump scared me and pounced on my flesh, amidst the pain I saw the reddish wolf cutting Rave's chain, and sort of nuzzled him with snoot as if tryna communicate something to him.

But in between, the turmoil I did the blunder of laying down on the ground and losing precious seconds. Ralph was coming from my throat or should I say he had already come for my throat. He gutted my stomach, and gnawed at my throat. A scream tore out from the depths of my body, last thing I saw was a blur throwing off Ralph in a projectile motion before I lost communication with earth life.

Cameron's Pov:

We continued to follow the path which carried Ash's scent and it lead us to a weird clearing amongst the long trees. "We have reached a dead end", I walked towards the end of the clearing and tried to deep sniff the auras, and of course I got nthn. In the same eyes-closed state I started walking from one end to another end, thinking of what to do next- there was a flicker of Alpha Xavier in my mind clawing a wolf's heart out before the image splashed. It came like an electric wave doused us in alarm and dissipated.

I am pretty sure, every wolf in the pack bound to the Alpha must have felt it, but being a gamma, I felt it quadruple times stronger in atomic level. The positive news was we got a slight sniff of his aura, but weirdest thing is the smell got disconnected as if someone or something might be blocking it.

I had found my answer and had to take this call, "Just a couple of minutes back we all felt our Alpha's aura, but it got sort of disconnected as if something might be blocking it, my hypothesis is there might be a magical spell in place to block off every wolf's energy and smell, and this might be the reason we aren't able to notify them. So in order to trace our Alpha, we will be splitting in groups of 4 and will take one of the four directions. The moment one of the groups are able to notice a sudden change or some sort of clue, immediately communicate to others."

Raven's Pov:

I was exhausted both mentally and physically after the betrayal events unfurled itself in front of my eyes, the look of shock on Ash's face completely shattered my heart. A reddish-brown wolf scampered its way to me and broke the chain which bounded me to the pole. Jenna nuzzled her nose onto my neck and whispered in wolf language to give control to my wolf. Had something like this happened a couple of months back I would have been fawning, gushing, and talking about it to everyone until I was blue, but today the scenarios and emotions had changed both for me and my wolf.

A scream tore me away from my measly thoughts, only did I realize it was Ash who screeched. The sight made my blood go cold and heart almost stop. "No-n this can't be happening, my wolf forced me back and took control, the next few seconds were a blur for me as my wolf straight up headbutted Ralph, looked at Ash who was laying a pool of blood, with her abdomen cut open and huge gash on right shoulder. Then my wolf instinctively moved in lightning speed to mark his love of life, in hope of saving her one last time, in hopes of caressing and cherishing her.


Hello Frendzzz,

How are you and fam? I am doing okhyish.

Let me know what you feel abt this chapter.



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