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"I let it fall, my heart, and as it fell, you rose to claim it; it was dark and I was over until you kissed my lips and you saved me" blasted through my speakers as we made our way out of a small café. We decided to eat something on our way and stock up on food just in case.

As we reached the car, Raven volunteered to drive. Now the sixtythousanddollar question, who will accompany Raven in the front. "Ash, you can sit with me in the front" said Raven nonchalantly, "She, will sit beside me in the back and Jenna will be in the front" Alpha Xavier said in a tight voice. Raven walked up to Alpha Xavier and spoke, "Why, Are you afraid to sit with Jenna? Will it reignite the passion within you?" I was staring mouth agape at Raven, and dreaded another session of "Jenna is mine" between those two.

Alpha Xavier, clenched his jaw and marched closer towards Raven, "Don't get me started Black, Not today, just Not now. We want you in one-piece until we complete our mission here on the Forbidden Hills, once its sorted out we can have a dual whenever and however you want". I took a deep breath and spoke up for the first time, "Can I make my own decision? I am tired of people calling shots for me".

All three of them looked at me, their faces adorned a mixture of pity, empathy, and embarrassment. "I will take the front seat, and Jenna can sit with Alpha Xavier for the rest of the ride". Raven gave me one his infamous grin and patted my back, "Look! who's all grown up and making her decisions" I removed his hand and looked towards Alpha Xavier. He had a blank look on his face but his eyes held lots of questions on my loyalty.  Honestly, me sitting beside Alpha Xavier will make our ride even more pathetic to deal with than the current situation , at least now we can proceed in peace. Jenna seemed gleeful about our arrangement and sat in the car, rest of us joined and we started on our journey.

We moved further in the highway and from one point veered towards the left. The road went from huge highway roads to narrow route, full of cobblestones and we could feel it inside the car. "We will be reaching the Forbidden Forest Climb within 15 minutes, from thereon we'll have to walk till the top." informed Raven. "Isn't the hills infested by the Rogues? I have heard they ask for some sort of taxes whenever someone new enters?" asked Jenna in a shaky voice. I saw from the rearview mirror Alpha Xavier looked concerned for her and was trying his best to not embrace her in a hug.

Surprisingly, I didn't feel any sort of tug to my heart, I didn't even feel empty, weird feelings to navigate through at such a crucial phase in my life. Raven slowed down the car, and I was surprised to see a beautiful hill in front of us. The hill stood in its elegant lush greenery, partially adorned with clouds, and created a mesmerizing sight of natural beauty.

We got out of the car, and were spellbound of the view in front of us. The view made me so happy that momentarily I forgot the reason we travelled to the Endless hills. The divine hills spread horizontally and didn't seem to end. There basically was no road, you had to climb the rocks from the base till the top of the mountain. oh boy, this will be one heck of an adventure for us.

Alpha Xavier gave us instructions on how to safely climb and to be honest it just went over my weeny brain. "I will walk in the front, and Raven will take the back, both Ash and Jenna will walk in the middle. In case anybody attacks, we would be able to defend by creating a protective shield".

We began to slowly move up on the trail, there were huge uneven rocks and one slip could basically cost your life. I was walking behind Alpha Xavier, followed by Jenna and Raven at last. It felt as if we are marching to discover a healing stone on the mountain. And don't get me started on my lungs, it felt as if somebody asked me to do jumping jacks on a roller coaster. Considering my fitness level, I need an applause with how much grit I was climbing.

Just as I was giving myself an imaginary pat on the back, the moon goddess decided to hurl an obstacle my way. The hill had received rainfall shortly before we arrived, so the stones were a bit sloppy. I just didn't realize, when I lost my balance and slipped. Alpha Xavier shot out and held me steady in his arms before any mishap could occur. "You need to be careful Ash" he said holding me close. "Scaredypup, are you alright?" asked Raven concern clouding his eyes. "We have almost reached the top, from this part onwards we really need to be extra alert, because rogue attacks are very common in this region" said Raven eyes never leaving me once.

I heaved a sigh of relief and mentally reprimanded myself for be callous. Alpha Xavier pulled Raven to the side and they began discussing something on the lines of safety and precautions leaving one hell of awkwardness between me and Miss Barbie. As they were busy discussing about our next plans of moving upwards safely, I saw at least 6-7 huge wolves coming towards us. Me and Jenna looked at each other and screamed, Raven and Alpha Xavier turned towards the source of dread in a flash and unanimously muttered "Shit".

------------------------------------------End of this chapter---------------------------------------------------

Heyy Guys, How are y'all doing? I am trying my best to write in a similar tone as the original author meanwhile adding my own spin to the story. This chapter was kinda of a filler chapter before the actual action begins.
Comment down below, any sorts of ideas or just your opinion on how this story should end.

Love ya guys! and will see you soon with a new chapter.

He Still Doesnt Want Me(FanVersion)Where stories live. Discover now