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"In shadows cast, we gather here, in reverence to the ancient sphere. Mysterious, the night unfolds, as nature's secrets we behold."

We stood in a semi-circle just as souls bound by an unseen force. Before us, a cross, a symbol of ancient wisdom and sacred intersection, rises from the earth, shrouded in enigma. The fire at its base crackles with an intensity that seems to mirror the secrets of the universe, its flames dancing with untold stories.

Raven is tied to a pole with heavy metal chains. His once full of life & carefree nature, now looks dull and lifeless. One look at his eyes, you could feel a deep sadness grappling his irises. I can't help but feel guilty for what he is going through. It's as if I'm responsible for all his sufferings, even though I know I'm not. The sight of this once-free bird now held captive makes my heart ache. To escape the grimness of situation my mind fluttered back to our most recent conversation.

"You-what-did you say?" I asked sheep-shocked. He shrugs, "Now Scaredypup pretending not to know what 'I love you' means?" I shook my head, "since when? How? I know we have always been best friends and have cared, rooted for each other, been there when the other one went down, but never in a million years I thought-" "About us being together" He replied in one his calmest tones.

I have always seen a playful side to Raven, but this was a different side to him, the way he was looking deeper into my eyes, his body language, and even his touch, things definitely seemed to have changed. 

He cut me out of my thoughts, "Look Ash, You have been my bestest friend and my support system. I am one of the lucky few people to have you in their lives. To be very honest, I don't know when or how this happened, But probably after I moved in with Jenna, I realized that we were never compatible to begin with and would have been miserable had we stayed together. That moment made me realize how much I missed you. And how much more you mean to me"

I had tears pooling into my eyes. Here my best friend was standing in front of me and confessing love, and here I am still stuck in my emotional wreckage. I knew without a doubt he would be an excellent partner but am I ready for this right now? I was still processing the loss of bond with Xavier, internal trauma, and self-esteem issues, am I even ready for another relationship?

Raven tapped on my shoulders, "Scaredpup, I didn't confess to confuse you even more or to even change your decision. I came clean to you cause I –uh didn't want any regrets" saying this he squeezed my shoulders and walked away from the room leaving me in my own thought spiral maze.

"Ash, Ash!" called Elder Connor and I was back in reality. He was standing in front of me, "We are almost complete with the ritual, and now comes the most significant part. Are you ready?" I looked him up in the eyes and replied, "Yes, I am ready" He motioned his assistants to move closer towards where Raven was. "Stay nearby to Raven, once the imprint is broken, he won't be able to control himself, and his wolf will act out, be super unstable. We need to protect him"

Elder moves to the center and turns towards Raven, "Raven, do you want to severe the wolf imprint on Ash?" He grumbled something, and seem to be having internal battle with his wolf, after few seconds he gritted his teeth to reply, "Yes". He then turned towards me asked the same question, as I was about to reply- There was a sudden change in the environment.

In an instant masked wolves appeared out of thin air, there number kept on increasing. They briefly parted to make space for their leader to move forward. I sucked in dry cold air after looking at the guy. "Well, fellas we meet again" he grinned like a maniac. It was the same unhinged rogue wolf who had attacked us while we were trying to find Elder

Hail's Pov:

"Are you really god-fearing sure, you want this?" I asked dumbfounded to Gabe. He pulled me into a hug and whispered, "yes, I know it might be confusing for you coz I am gay blahblahblah, but trust me I want to give us a chance, not sure whether it will work or not, but at least I want to give us a try" I sniffled onto his shoulders, for a split second this moment seemed unbelievable and straight out of my dreams. Gabe had called me over to the beach. I also wanted to talk to him about James and apologize, but boy he took me by surprise.

He had meticulously prepared a romantic dinner date by the shore, adorning the beach with a tapestry of balloons and fragrant blooms, and even crafting a delectable home-cooked feast. It was a display of affection so sweet and unexpected, I found myself repeatedly pinching my own reality to ensure it wasn't a dream. Slowly but surely, the sheer beauty of the moment began to embrace my heart.

"Hey, are you okhay? Why are you crying? Are you offended by something I said-"

I leaned in to plant a gentle kiss upon his cheeks shutting him up.

-------------------------------------The end---------------------------------------------------------------


Few more chapters to go, before we finish with this book.

what do you think is gonna happen? will raven end up with ash? 

Tbh with you even I dont know the answer, I am just going with the flow. 



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