Chapter 24

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20 Years Later

In the early hours of the morning, Camila was bustling around the kitchen, preparing breakfast for her 16-year-old triplets - a task that had become part of her daily routine. The arrival of triplets, Ava, Ella, and Emma, was a joyful surprise for Camila and Lauren, especially after the heartache of a previous miscarriage. Their eldest, 20-year-old Amelia Rose, was a testament to their enduring hope for a larger family.

The household was a vibrant hub of energy, especially with a trio of teenage girls. Ella, known for her rebellious streak and a penchant for skipping school, was already starting her day with a bit of resistance. "Mom, why'd you wake me? I don't want to go to school today," she groaned, her usual morning mantra.Camila, undeterred, served up pancakes while gently reprimanding Ella, emphasizing the importance of graduating alongside her sisters. 

"No skipping classes, Ella. You need to graduate this year, or you know the drill," she reminded her daughter firmly.Emma, the more outspoken of the triplets and the smartest the straight A student, couldn't resist poking fun at her sister's careless attitude towards school. "She doesn't even attend her classes," Emma teased, earning a quick glare from Ella. " SHE'S LYING MOM" Before things escalated, Camila intervened, issuing a stern warning to Ella about the repercussions of her truancy.

The breakfast chatter was interrupted by the entrance of Lauren, returning from a three-day business trip. Her presence brought an air of warmth and relief to the bustling household. "Good morning, lovely family," Lauren greeted them warmly, relieved to be back home after her time away. Ella and Emma jumped up excitedly to greet their mother, expressing their joy at her return, " Ma your here". 

  "I missed you guys. I got back late last night," Lauren shared, enveloping her daughters in a tight hug.The household, with its mix of teenage rebellion, parental guidance, and affectionate reunions, was a constant whirlwind of activity. Amidst the chaos, Camila and Lauren navigated the challenges of raising their daughters, each day filled with its unique blend of love, discipline, and unwavering support.

"Where is Ava?" Lauren inquired as she pulled out a chair and settled in. "I'm here," Ava replied, strolling over to the table, grabbing an apple, and planting a kiss on her mothers cheek. "Sit and have a proper breakfast, sweetheart," Camila urged, pulling a chair for her daughter."I'll just have cereal instead," Ava responded quietly, her reserved nature evident. She excelled at school and  only have two close friends - Amara, Norminah's child, and Jason, whom she had met at school.

"Mom, could you drop us off instead of David, please?" Ella pleaded. Emma chimed in, joining her sister's plea with a sweet look directed at their mother. "I'm sorry, honey, I can't. I'm in a rush, and Angel is already at the company. I have an important meeting," Lauren explained between bites of her pancakes."Always meetings," Ava murmured softly, almost under her breath, hoping no one else would catch her comment. However, Camila overheard. "What's wrong with David driving you to school?" Lauren asked, perplexed."They hate the Cadillac, that's why," Camila replied, stepping in before her daughters could fabricate another excuse to persuade their mother to drive them. "Ah, Mom, we're Jaureguis. We should at least be dropped off by a Bentley or a Ferrari," Ella quipped.

"A Ferrari won't fit you three," Lauren teased."Not if it was three Ferraris," Ella shot back playfully. "Alright, finish your breakfast and grab your bags. David's waiting outside," Camila instructed sternly as they all bid their goodbyes and prepared to head to school.

"What's their deal with the car again?" Lauren questioned."Nothing serious, let them be. I've told you countless times not to spoil them and You should talk to Ella; she's not doing well in school at all," Camila remarked, recounting various events concerning their daughters that had unfolded during Lauren's absence."It's all your fault; you never say no to them, So i'm always the boring parent" Camila expressed her frustration. Lauren, in response, tried to lighten the mood, " Aren't you though?" Camila shot her a glare "Ah, babe, I just arrived. Don't I deserve a proper greeting from you?"

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