Chapter 3

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Jungkook's pov.

I was a blushing disaster when it comes to a certain someone whom I was having a dream about recently and even though I have only seen him on T.V or the internet, I'll still blush like a mad woman.

Honestly it's quite annoying.

My friends always tease me about 'My Crush'.

Yes you heard it right, I have a HUGE crush on this multi-billionaire Alpha. I mean why not? he's the sweetest guy I've ever seen, well from what I've seen on the internet. Unfortunately it'll always be just a silly crush because guys looking that hot would never look my way.

I could only dream like I did last night.


His name is Kim Taehyung, even his name is hot.

He's an Entrepreneur; he's smart, handsome, respectful, successful, tall and confident. Did I mention hot?

Definitely HOT!

He's everything I desire in a man and more. Before I could even think of him some more my friends pulled me out of my daydream.

"Kook, are you even listening to us?" Jimin asked, looking at me with a knowing look and I widened my eyes looking lost.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked nervously.

Eunbi shook her head saying "We asked if you're still crushing on daddy Kim." She smirked at me and I looked around hoping nobody heard her.

God knows what people will say hearing that I'm crushing on a 25 year old guy. Although people are allowed to crush on celebrities right?

I mean he's not even much older than me anyway. Plus I'd rather prefer older men like him than some high school jock that doesn't know what they want in life.

"Eunbi you can't say such things here." I whispered-yelled at her but they both just laughed at me and I just huffed.

"I will always have a crush on him." I murmured softly hoping they didn't hear but they heard everything.

"Aww, you two would make an amazing couple." Jimin said cooing with Eunbi, and I just stared at them both.

"First of all that is never going to happen because he would never go for someone like me, maybe he would rather be with girls who are models anyway just like his last girlfriend" I said quietly but they both just looked at me like I was going crazy, am I?

"Kook, are you crazy? and you do know they broke up two years ago right?" Eunbi asked, to which I murmured a 'maybe' and she rolled her eyes.

"You do know you're beautiful, right? I mean boy you look like a model, he would be a fool not to even notice you billionaire or not". Jimin said looking at me with a serious expression, I've never seen him so serious before It's shocking.

Before I could answer the bell rang and we got up said our goodbyes and made our way to class.

I went to the bathroom first, then went to class seeing the teacher already inside teaching so I just took my seat listening to whatever he's saying, my classes went by pretty quickly and now we're heading to the parking lot waiting for my brother to show up.

Jimin already left when his cousin picked him up so it was just me and Eunbi.

A couple minutes later we saw Bogum walking towards us but he wasn't alone, he was with a girl who I guess is Lilly.

She had blonde hair, I'm guessing she's about 5'2" the same as Jimin even though she's 16 like Bogum, she was very beautiful with hazel eyes. I wonder why she reminds me of someone with those hazel eyes I thought to myself.

"Hey Kook, this is Lilly my best friend and Lilly this is Jungkook my brother and his best friend Eunbi." Bogum said introducing us. She smiled shyly at us saying a quiet 'hello' and waved, we waved back offering her a friendly smile.

"So, I finally get to meet you huh?" I said wiggling my eyebrows at them and they blushed.


"Whatever." Bogum said brushing me off. I saw Lilly hitting him telling him to behave and a laugh slipped from my lips seeing that he was actually listening to her, both of them turned to me asking what was wrong but I just shook my head.

"Bogum you finally found your match eh?" I asked while he gave me the bad eyes but quickly changed it with a sigh after seeing Lilly looking at him, I laughed again finding it funny.

"Ew! you're so whipped bro, it's kinda disgusting." I said in a teasing manner laughing at the blush on his face while Lilly looked at us confused, poor thing is oblivious to my brother having a crush on her.

"Kook, you're no better with Mr. hotshot Alph-" Eunbi started saying loudly but I quickly put my hand over her mouth silencing her, while looking at Bogum nervously.

"What was she going to say Jeon Jungkook? who is Mr. hotshot and A Alpha?" Bogum questioned looking angry.

Oops! He even said my full name.

"Wha- ow ouch! This bit*h bit me." I said turning to Eunbi who's looking at me like she didn't just bite me, I wiped off her mouth water that was on my hands on her blouse. Nasty!

She started laughing moving away from me saying "Well you're the one who wouldn't move your hand from my mouth and nose cupcake, it's like you wanted to stifle me or something." She said with a fake gasp, I just rolled my eyes at her turning back to Bogum who was still looking at me, I gave him a look that says later' and he nodded his head.

Oh! Did he really think I was gonna tell him?

"Are you ready to leave?" I asked Bogum as he looked at Lilly then back at me before answering.

"Can we wait for a bit please? Her brother is coming to pick her up and I don't want to leave her alone by herself." He said and I wanted to applaud him for being a gentleman but I just said a quiet 'okay' wondering who her brother was but going back on my phone playing a few games while we wait for him.

After a while we heard a car pulled up, the door opening and closing caught my attention, I lifted my head up looking in the direction of the car but what I saw made me freeze.

My eyes popped out of my head, my jaw dropping slightly while I couldn't stop blinking.

It was like hell froze over when a particular hazel eyes made contact with mine for a minute.

Oh My God, is that? Hmm no it can't possibly be.

It was—


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