Chapter 49

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Taehyung's pov.

7 minutes later we finally saw the water fall. It was truly magnificent.

"Tae, this looks amazing and so peaceful." I heard Jungkook gasped loudly as I put him down and I smiled knowing that he liked it.

"Yeah, it is. I found this place two and a half years ago when I was going through my breakup. I ended up here somehow and I was amazed by it. You're actually the first person I ever bring here with me." I said truthfully.

"Oh wow, I must be special." He said smiling.


"You have no idea how special you are." I said, kissing his nose.

I went into the bag and pulled out a blanket spreading it in a sitting spot so we have somewhere to sit and eat when we get tired.

"Let's go and swim." I said to him after I finished setting up everything and he looked down while fiddling with her fingers.

"Can I stay in just a t-shirt?" He asked and I didn't like that he's asking permission to do what he wants.

"Doll, look at me." I said as I placed my fingers under his chin and lifted his head up. "You don't need my permission love, wear whatever makes you comfortable."

I took a tshirt out of the bag I packed, gave it to him and he kept blushing while looking down.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

"Can you t-turn around please?" He said and I walked a little further away turning the other side as he changed.

I took off my clothes as well and stayed in my underpants. "You finished?" I called out and he yelled out a yes.

I turned around and walked back to him and I saw he looked at me and blushed after seeing what I had on. "You look so beautiful doll." I told him as I saw him in the t-shirt and he was indeed looking so gorgeous. I pecked his forehead and he blushed even more.

"Let's get in." I lifted him in bridal style and brought him in the water. It wasn't deep, it reached my chest and to Jungkook just above his breasts.

The water actually felt amazing. I suddenly felt water splashed in my face, I realized it was Kook and I started splashing him back, his giggles could be heard throughout the entire forest.

We continued playing in the water for a while. I lifted him onto my back and he wrapped himself around me as I Swam around with him because he couldn't swim to save a life.

I'll have to teach him one day. I promised myself.

After a while we both got tired, we went and sat down on the blanket as I wrapped a towel around him so he doesn't get cold.

"What do you want to eat now?" I asked as I took out; Tortilla wraps, Lays, Doritos, Ritz, Fruit juices and Hershey's chocolates, banana milk cartons, I got all his favorites.

I saw his eyes lit up in excitement. "Can I have the Banana milk please."


I watched him eat it all up.

My baby looked so happy and content, I wish I could take away every pain and every sorrow from him.

I sighed thinking about my future with him in it, I'll make sure he has the best future there is. My doll deserves the best.

"Come here, baby." I said to him and he climbed into my lap.

I gave him a peck on his cheek. "Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around him.

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