Chapter 59

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Taehyung's pov.

2 months later;

Today is our three month anniversary and I have a lot planned. I'm going to make this day unforgettable. We did a lot together throughout these months and I realized that I'm completely and utterly In-love with Jungkook and no we did not had s*x yet but we do foreplay sometimes, which I'm totally okay with.

I know he has been throwing hints at me recently that he is ready but I want to, no I need to make his first time beyond perfect. Maybe on this trip it will happen, let's just see what happens there.

I got ready in my room as Jungkook got ready in the guest room, he stayed over for the weekend for our date. He bought the same clothes for us, cliche I know. I honestly don't like wearing these but whatever my angel wants, he gets.

Jungkook came into the room looking more gorgeous than ever. I grabbed his waist and kissed him deeply which made him moan. "Looking so stunning love, my beautiful doll." He blushed red as I smirked.

"Thank you baby." He whispered quietly.

"Ready to go?" I asked as I grabbed my car keys, my phone and locked up.

"Wait." He called out dragging me back into the house and I looked at him with a frown.

"What's wrong? are you hurt?" I rushed out asking.

"No, I don't like this on you." He said looking at the pants that he bought me. Did I not look good in it? why did he not like it? My insecurities started coming out at full speed and I guess he saw right through me.

"Don't worry, you look really handsome. It's just that I can see your di*k printing out, why the hell is it so big?" He asked absent-minded and it was my turn to blush.

I honestly think I have multiple personalities, how the fu*k do I go from confident to a blushing mess?

I fixed the pants trying to not let it print out as he said, but it doesn't work and in the end he told me to leave it.

We went into the car and drove off to my surprise for him. I planned on bringing him to a carnival fair, I know he loves those things and then we're taking my jet to Ibiza at the new beach house for 3 days after we left here.

I've recently bought that beach house for him as a Christmas gift. So now he owns a beach house that he doesn't even know about yet. Whenever he wants a holiday from everything he'll always have a house here for him.

My angel doesn't know my plans but I'm positive he'll be excited. I asked his mom to take him which she granted and I was so happy she actually allowed it or maybe she was too scared to defy her boss. I chuckled at that thought.

Christmas is also next week and we're all spending it at my parents house including Jungkook's mother and Bogum.

My parents met Jungkook's mother last month which went very well, no surprise because they're amazing.

We reached the carnival fair, I searched for a parking spot and finally found one. I got out, went to Jungkook's door letting him out as well. This boy is so spoiled that he doesn't come out until I personally come around and open the door for him. I guess it's my fault for spoiling him so much.

"Ah babe, I can't believe you brought me here. I've been wanting to go to one of these for a long time." He jumped pecking my lips as we moved through the crowd of people, he gave me his handbag for me to carry like he always did.

So fu*king spoiled, but I'm not complaining.

"I know angel, are you happy?" I asked wanting to know if he is, he's all that matters after all.

"So happy love, thank you. Come on I want you to win that big teddy bear for me." He pulled me over to the shoot out station where I had to shoot Some cans off the shelf.

I did it and lucky I didn't miss it once.

"Yay, that's my babe." He cheered me on and pecked my lips as a blush coated my cheeks at his loud mouth.

Jungkook collected the big teddy bear and I took it from him carrying it around as we went on more and more rides. Remind me not to come back here again, I went on the roller coaster with Jungkook and now I feel the need to throw up everything in my guts.

I looked over at Jungkook as he ran over the sides throwing up everything and I quickly went to him, holding his hair back. After he finished I took a bottle of water out of the bag letting him wash out his mouth as I wiped his lips with a rag.

"You okay angel?" I asked worriedly, he nodded at me and I pecked his soft lips.

"Ew, I just vomited and you kissed my lips." He said frowning and I rolled my eyes.

"So? you're still my angel no matter what, you vomiting can't stop me from kissing you." I told him and he blushed.

Jungkook forced me to go on more rides with him and I kept thinking what I got myself into, but I love him too much to complain. You're maybe wondering if I told him yet, the answer is no I did not as yet but soon, maybe tonight.

I'm actually scared.

Me, Kim Taehyung was scared. My friends would laugh at me right now if they ever knew.

We finally left the carnival fair and we're going straight to the airport from here. It's a good thing I packed our things when he was asleep last night.

If I missed anything then we'll have to buy it there.

"Today was amazing, Taetae." He told me smiling and I matched his reaction.

"We're not done yet angel, I have more surprises." I said, he squealed and widen his eyes excitedly.

"Tell me what the surprise is, please." He pushed out his lip in a pout as I looked over him then back at the road chuckling.

"If I tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore though." I sped up the car nearing the airport.

He however had other evil plans in mind to convince me. I felt him trailing his hands over my crotch and cupping me over my pants. I sucked in a breath feeling my cock harden under his touch.


Leaning towards me, he whispered into my ears.

"Cmon papi, if you tell me I'll suck your di*k when we get there." I gulped harshly. Be strong Tae, you can't let him win.

I shook my head as I blushed and chuckled. "It's not gonna work, angel." I told him sternly even though I was turned on.

He grabbed my covered cock, feeling it
hardening. "That's not what your body is saying, babe."

Oh sh*t.

"Please don't do this, do you want me to crash the car with us in it?" I asked breathing heavily and adjusting in my seat as he continued rubbing me.

"Fine." He huffed and looked away releasing his hands from me.

Spoiled ass.

The airport came into view and I drove to where my jet is located. I looked at Jungkook who had an excited face on, but was trying to act as if he didn't care.

I got out and opened the door for him then went to retrieve our bags. "Let's go angel." I grabbed his hands and the bags as we walked to my jet.

He gasped as he looked at my jet.


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