Chapter 6

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Jungkook's pov.

I stood there shocked hearing his voice.

Nothing had changed about him after months of not seeing him.

There he was, Charlie Puth the captain of the football team also known as the playboy or bully. Whatever suits him best.

The guy who thinks it's right to touch me without my permission every chance he gets, just because his family is a millionaire.

The guy who left me with nightmares.

So bad I had to go to therapy for a year.

Which is why I always try to walk with my friends because he doesn't do anything unless I'm alone, completely and utterly helpless. He disgusts me more than anything in this world.

He stood tall at 6'0 with dirty blond hair, brown eyes and freckles on his face. I didn't even see the hype over him, he looks like a normal high school jock, with boyish looks.

Nowhere near as handsome as Taehyung.

Now here he is smirking down at me with those haunted brown eyes of his. I tried to push past him but he was much stronger and he pushed me in the bathroom with him, knowing that everyone is in the cafeteria.

"You look se*y today babe, did you dress up for me?" He said like a true obsessed psychopath. I wondered how I've never realized he was this crazy before.

"No l-leave me alone you sick psycho." I said putting up a strong front but we both know I'm sh*t-less Scared.

"Damn, what I would give to get a piece of that body right now. Too bad that bast*rd came in before I could do more to that pus*y of yours. I just want to taste it once though." He said by licking his disgusting lips, squeezing my ass.

"N-no, Charlie stop." I said tears filling my eyes while I was looking around the bathroom to see if anyone was around to help me but no, everyone was already in the cafeteria.

"Stop what babe, you just turn me on so much with this body of yours. It's your fault, you're the one showing your curves, I just want you so bad." He said, his hands started moving up my thighs and into my pants, I immediately tensed and sobered up and kicked him in his crotch. He let me go immediately crunching down.

I ran out and ran straight to the cafeteria.

I let out a breath seeing that I'm safe for now, I wiped the tears that had fallen and went to my usual seat beside my friends.

When I got there they looked up at me asking why I was breathing so heavily but I just make up a lie and told them.

They both do not know what Charlie did to me at that party or at school. I just don't want to burden anyone or cause any drama especially when I could see that every time Charlie passes us Eunbi blushes. I'm not blind I know she likes him but he had never even looked her way.

The only people who know about it are my mother, brother and the guy who found me there.

My mom did try to do something about it when she found out but because the brat is from a rich family so they had connections, he didn't even get in any trouble at all.

Fu*ked up system. I know, apparently in this world you gotta have a lot of money and connections.

Anyways school was now dismissed and we soon left in Eunbi's car.

We reached home and saw mom in the kitchen cooking, we said our good evenings and went to freshen up before dinner.

"Mom what are you cooking?" I said walking into the kitchen.

"Im making some pasta, will that be okay with you guys?" She asked and we said 'yes'.

I decided to tell her what happened today, she made me promise to tell her if anything happens again.

"Um, mom I have something to tell you." I said nervously.

"What is it sweetheart?" Mom said giving me her full attention.

"He came to school today." I said looking down playing with my fingers.

My mom's face turned red in anger and I suddenly got more nervous than before.

"Did that bast*rd do anything to you Jungkook?" She asked worriedly.

"I bumped into him when I was coming out of the bathroom and he held me against the wall and well he was t-touching m-me." I whispered the last part of the sentence feeling worthless.

"I am definitely coming to that school tomorrow to demand a board meeting, this is going too far. Wait until I catch that bast*rd." She said squeezing her eyes shut slamming her hand on the table and I jumped.

"Kook why didn't you come and get me?" Bogum suddenly stood up looking angry as well.

"I don't need you fighting my battles for me, I can fight it myself. And I'm supposed to protect you not the other way around." I explained softly.

"I will always help you fight your battles kook, you know that. You're my only brother, my other half, big or litle it doesn't matter. I'll go to the end of the world for you" He said emotionally, I got up and hugged him tightly telling him I'll call him next time.


"Now finish your food kiddos, then homework time." We both let out a groan hearing that.


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