Chapter 9

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Jungkook's pov.

There he was, Kim Taehyung. The man who I wanted to see all month.

This is the first time I've seen him dress so casually and I love it.

Damn, he's fine.

He stood there staring at me like I was the most beautiful omega he had ever seen, it makes my body feel heated up and I shift on my other leg and he must have realized that I caught him because he looked away gulping.

"H-Hey Taehyung, what are you doing here?" I asked stupidly like it's my mall.

He looks at me with amusement in his eyes and I could have sworn I saw his lips twitched upwards. "I'm here with my best friends, we're here buying suits for a gala which we don't even need." He said rolling his eyes then murmuring 'even though I have suits I haven't worn yet'.

"You're looking gorgeous Kook." He said to me then he looked over at Jimin. "You too of course." Wait, did he just give me a nickname? My heart just exposed.

Oh fu*k he gave me a nickname. I Swear I would jump on him without a second thought.

I smiled at him and said "Thank you, this is my other best friend Jimin."

"You must be the famous 'Kim Taehyung' huh." Jimin said smirking to which I rolled my eyes.

He laughed saying, "Famous? No. But yes I am the one and only Taehyung. Pleasure to meet you."

Then he suddenly cleared his throat looking at Jimin with a serious expression asking "So just to make it clear I was not eavesdropping on your conversation with Kook, but I did overheard you saying your mom is in a hospital for surgery right? I'm sorry I really didn't mean to hear all that actually and I'm really sorry about that." He said looking apologetic.

Jimin looked embarrassed and said "Oh yes, she's in the hospital and that's okay."

"Do you mind if I ask which hospital she's in?" He asked kindly.

"Sure, it's um what is it called again. Oh! it's the 'Med-Kth Hospital'" Jimin said with a sad smile.

"Right, I'm guessing you don't know who owns that hospital then." Taehyung said to himself but we heard it.

"It's someone named Vante aka V' who owns that hospital, I heard he also bought a much bigger hospital recently called 'Global Health' but I've never actually seen him before. He sounds amazing." Jimin suddenly said, looking amazed.

I gasped, remembering that my mom works as a nurse at the Global Health Hospital'. I didn't bother to mention that though.

"Hm, I own them." He said like it's not a big deal and we both looked at him with a surprised look.

"What? b-but your name is not 'Vante'." I said stuttering. He looked at me with a smile on his handsome face but all I could think at the moment is that my mom works for my crush.


"Actually, I put the hospitals under my middle name instead for safety precautions." He said trying to keep himself from smiling.

We just stood there speechless.

"So listen, it's my hospital so don't worry about paying for the surgery, I've got it covered. I'll have the best doctors perform the surgery before the week ends, so just focus on school and again I feel really bad for overhearing something that was suppose to be personal and for that I'm really sorry again." He said sincerely which made me and Jimin look at him with shocked faces.

"W-what no, you can't be S-serious. That's too much, I can't let you pay for all t-that." Jimin said emotionally.

Taehyung chuckled. "Trust me Jimin, to me 10 million is like 100 dollars. So don't worry about it. Any friend of this beautiful omega right here is a friend to me too." He said smiling and looking directly at me. Wait what? I really have to check his 'net worth' when I get home. Dang! HE. CALLED. ME. BEAUTIFUL.

Jimin immediately ran to him and hugged him repeatedly saying 'thank you' while crying. Taehyung stood there awkwardly patting Jimin back looking uncomfortable. Jimin then stepped back. "It's no problem actually, I-." He was cut off by three handsome men coming in this direction, but of course Taehyung is more handsome.

"Yow bro, we've been looking all over for you." One with light brown hair shouted dramatically.

"Sorry guys, I came out to get some fresh air." Taehyung said turning to them laughing and turned back to us.

"These are my best friends: Jackson, Eunwoo and Bright. Guys these beautiful omegas right here are Jungkook and Jimin." He said introducing us.

Jackson had black hair, green eyes and he was also 6'4. He has a lot of tattoos and he looks quiet with a dead ass serious look. I heard that he is a 'Multi-Millionaire' and he is one year older than the rest of them.

Eunwoo has grey eyes, dark brown hair and he is around 6'1 with tattoos as well much not as much. You can tell he's the friendly type. 'Multi-Millionaire' too.

Bright has brown eyes, light brown hair and he's about 6'2". I can tell he's the playboy of the group. I caught him winking at Jimin a few times already while Jimin was blushing. 'Multi-Millionaire.

They are all rich with their own companies but Taehyung is the only one out of the group who's a 'Multi-Billionaire' instead.

"Damn guys, you took my breath away. It's a pleasure to meet some beautiful omegas" Bright said with a flirty wink and I just wanted to roll my eyes while Jimin was blushing like crazy.

Eunwoo just pushed him out of the way and hugged us saying "Oh so you're Jungkook I always hear about huh." While Jackson just nodded at us, he definitely doesn't look talkative.

"You've heard about me?" I was surprised.

"Oh yes boy, Taehyung always tal-" Bright said smirking at me. However Taehyung cut him off immediately before he could finish saying anything.

"We have to get going guys, I'll see you soon." He said quickly but before he could leave Bright went over to Jimin whispering something to him who was smiling and nodding, then he went to Eunwoo and Jackson doing the same thing. He started counting from 1 to 5 loudly.

Taehyung and I looked lost at what they were up to but before we could ask them, all four of them ran out of the building as soon as Bright reached 5 and left us standing there shocked.

After a while we just started laughing like idiots.


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