Chapter 17

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Taehyung's pov.

Who would have thought a 25 year old business man like me would be acting like a high-school student with a crush. I mean, come on he's too beautiful for his own good.

The first time I saw him at the school, he took my breath away and I knew I had to make him mine somehow. His captivating big blue eyes shine bright as a sapphire, his dark brown long hair that falls onto his delicate small shoulders, his small curvy figure. He has a joyous personality and a soothing voice.

That exact day I went to a club with my boys telling them about the Doll that I met, they teased me all night saying I was whipped from just one encounter, fu*k me because they have never been so right before.

He already has me wrapped around his tiny little fingers just like my sisters. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him. I already know am in trouble, I'm in way too deep now.

The day that we kissed in the car, man was that a dream come through. It's like I was kissing for the first time, it took my breath away. No, I'm not being dramatic.

I wanted to take him right then and there but I respect him too much for that, plus we're not even in a relationship.


We already went to one of my restaurants and got some food, then we went to get his clothes from his house and now we are on our way to my house.

I couldn't stop looking at him while he's humming to the song playing.

"Doll?" I called out to grab his attention.

Sue me, I love his attention when it's only on me.

"Yeah?" He said looking at me with his big pretty ocean blue eyes.

"Can I take you on a date tomorrow? I already know school won't be keeping." I asked nervously.

Yes he does make me nervous, don't judge me.

I also want to ask him to be my boyfriend on a proper date.

His eyes widened when I said date and I could see the excitement on his face like he was ready to jump on me. God knows I would die like a happy man if that happens.

"You want to take me on a d-date?" He stuttered cutely which caused me to smile like an idiot. I just hate how he always questions things I want to do with him like he isn't worthy for me to take or what not.

"Why wouldn't I want to take such a beautiful omega like you on a date? I would definitely be an idiot. So what do you say? Date or nah?" I said with a smirk forming on my face.

"Yes yes yes, I would love to go on a date with you Tae." He said excitedly with that nickname that I've grown to love, I chuckled.

"I will drop you off at Jimin's tomorrow so you can get ready there and Il pick you up at 4:30 p.m. Will that be okay doll?" I asked because I know he'll probably prefer to have his friend help him dress.

"Yes thank you, I'd really love that." He said blushing. We reached my house and I put my finger print in and the gate opened. I looked at Jungkook and saw him mouth wide open which I closed, then I chuckled.

"Wow your house is beautiful." He said admiring it with twinkling eyes and I smiled widely to that. I don't know why it gave me satisfaction that he loved my house but it does.

"I'm glad you liked it, I bought this house 2 years ago." I said proudly after parking the car in my garage which has a number of different types of cars, some that I barely use.

My family members and close friends use them whenever they want though, which I don't have a problem with.

I saw that Jungkook's eyes widened again as we got out of the car. Sometimes I honestly don't know what to do with money. I mean I do donate millions of dollars every month separately to homeless shelters, charities, schools, hospitals, foster homes, etc.

I finally have someone to spoil, apart from my sisters. I thought to myself. Now that Jungkook is in my life I'll definitely be spending it on him, whatever he wants he'll get, not just money wise either.

"Wow these cars are amazing, I love them." He said smiling brightly.

Hm! don't worry baby, if this works out between us you'll have cars that you won't even know what to choose from. I thought to myself while chuckling a bit.

"Yeah I love them even if I don't use them. I even gave some away to my workers who don't have car to get to work with." I said truthfully, I love giving away. I could have the last dollar and if you want it I'll give you and be left with nothing.

"I love that for you." He said while we made our way into my house.

"So do you have any car preference?" I asked him.

"Hm, I really love Range Rovers, Tesla's and Lamborghini." I mentally wrote it down in my head. I wonder if he knows I'm the owner of Tesla Inc.

"Yeah they're amazing cars." I said as we walked in.

"So let's give you a tour, senorita." I said bowing which made him laugh.


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