Chapter 63

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Taehyung's pov.

I woke up to the morning light shining through the room which caused me to groan and shift but I couldn't move.

I squinted my eyes shut trying to adjust to the light, I saw Jungkook's head squashed into my neck as he hooked on me like a koala bear.

I blushed remembering last night's event. It was the most earth-shattering s*x I've ever had and it is one I'll never forget even in a million years.

One that I hope none of us will ever forget.

I brushed his hair behind his ears that covered his face and stroked his cheek. I saw the small drool on his mouth and chuckled lowly.


I took my time getting up so that I did not wake him and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Today we'll go on the yacht I rented, I should have brought my own yacht here but it's too late for that. I also planned for us to go to a club tonight, just to have some fun.

I went downstairs looking after breakfast for us.

After a couple minutes, the spices filled my nose as I turned the stove off, I dished out food for the both of us. I went back upstairs and saw that he was still asleep.

My baby must be really tired, to be still sleeping this hour. I put the tray on the table and sat on the bed shaking him slightly.

"Angel?" He groaned rolling over and I chuckled.

"Come on baby, wake up."

"What time is it?" He asked sleepily. I looked over at the clock before answering.

"10:23, baby."

"I slept for so long." He got up rubbing his eyes, yawning.

"Go freshen up baby and then we can eat." I said and he nodding standing up but I could see that he was in pain.

"Angel what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Just a bit sore, I'll be fine." He said his cheeks red, I smiled and took him to the bathroom after that I took my phone, and checked some emails.

He came out looking beautiful as always and I stood up pecking his lips. "Let's eat, then we'll go on the yacht." He immediately perked up at the idea and I chuckled.

After I finished eating I went outside to see if everything was good with the yacht, soon after I heard a voice behind me.

"Hi, I've never seen you around here before?" I turned and saw a girl with
brunette hair girl looking at me with red cheeks.

"Oh hi, I didn't know someone else was here." I told her and turn back around, I didn't want to seem rude but I really don't need a female bothering me with Jungkook just inside that house.

"Are you from around here?" She said and I shook my head.

"No, I came here with my boyfriend." I emphasized the word boyfriend so that she doesn't get any idea.

She had a disappointed look but it disappeared soon after.

"Oh, maybe I can show you around sometime?" She asked hopefully.

"Yeah, sure I'll let my boyfriend know. We've never been here before so that would be great." I took her number so that I could contact her to show us around tomorrow and she waved goodbye. I learned that her name is Rain.

Weird but uncommon name.

I walked back inside telling Jungkook it was time to get ready and he just nodded at me.

Two hours later we got dressed in the same color.

He had on his yellow bikini with his ass cheeks popping out. No way he's going like that for other men to stare.

I went into his bag. "What? I don't look good?" He asked, I quickly shook my head at him.

"You always look beautiful angel but, I can't have men looking at what's mine when we get back for swimming, so wear this please." I said hand him shorts to put over it and he just blinked at me.

"I don't need a man telling me what to wear." He snapped and went out slamming the door. I- What just happened?

I went out to find him quickly, I saw him by the door waiting on me. "Angel, you know I didn't mean it like that, I never meant for it to sound like I'm telling you what to wear. If that's how you want to wear it that's also fine." I told him truthfully.

"Whatever, can we just go?" He murmured.

What's with the attitude? did I do something?

I just nodded as we went out, the yacht was big so we had a lot of space. I greeted the man who will be piloting the yacht as we got in but I was surprised to see the same girl from this morning.

"Oh, Tae hi. Didn't know you were the customer." She smiled brightly at me and I scratched the back of my neck feeling awkward.

"Uh, yeah. This is my boyfriend Jungkook and Kook that's Rain, I met her near the yacht this morning." I said clearing my throat.

"Nice to meet you." Rain smiled at him but Jungkook gave her a fake smile and said, "You too."

"So what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Well he is my dad, he told me to come but I had no idea it was going to be you." I was surprised at that, small world?


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