Chapter 30🔞

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Jungkook's pov.

I ran my tongue over his tip and he thrust his hips upwards hitting the back of my throat making me gag as tears spilled from my eyes and I moaned as I rubbed my clit in circles. "Hm, that pretty little face deserves to get fu*ked." He groaned out.

Welcome back on board, dominant Kim.

I bobbed my head faster while I hum hearing as he said 'My God'. I took my hands out of my panties and played with his balls getting my wetness on them.

"You're my good little sl*t, aren't you?" His words just made my pu**y ache more. "You like my cock deep down your throat, no?" He continued fu*king my mouth as I hollowed my cheeks once more nodding at his question.

I felt him tensed and twitched in my mouth so I knew he was going to come soon. "Let it all out papi, come for me." I said as I took him further down my throat.

Damn where did this confidence come from.

"Fu*kkk. I'm going to cum Doll, swallow it all, yeah?" He wrapped his hands in my hair to keep my head in one place as he fu*ked my mouth without mercy, more tears fell from my eyes and he moaned out loudly just as I felt the warmth of his cum coating my throat and I swallowed every last drop of it while some dripped down my lips.

He took his index finger and scooped it back into my mouth. "Good Boy." He said unwrapping his hands from my hair and wiped away the fallen tears.

That was surprisingly good, for a first-timer.

I stood up and he wrapped his hand around my neck pulling me in for a erotic kiss, he slipped his tongue into my mouth, I felt the rings on his fingers pressing slightly on my neck making me shiver from the coldness radiating off them.

"That was fu*king amazing, but my turn." He said getting up, gripping my throat in a choke hold, hovering over me and my eyes widened. I didn't expect him to do anything in return. When I tried to protest he cut me off with a kiss that completely took my soul away.

He licked and sucked on my neck leaving marks all over then he reached for the hem of my shirt and looked at me for permission and I nodded, he took off the blouse and throw it across the room, his eyes glued to my hard, pierced nipples, I didn't bother wearing a bra.

He groaned out, "My bad fu*king Omega, so beautiful." He attached his wet lips to my nipples sucking on it and using his tongue to play with my piercing which caused me to moan out his name.

"T-Taehyung." I moaned out, gripping his hair in my hands.

He worked his talented tongue on both my breasts, giving them an equal amount of attention then he started going down my stomach leaving butterfly kisses while my pu**y was already soaking his bed sheets. He started running his tongue over my navel and I squeezed my eyes shut at the feeling.

Holy sh*t.

Now he hooked his fingers through the loops of my pajama shorts looking at me for permission again to which I nodded.

No way I'm ever stopping this.

Taehyung pulled down the shorts and pantie in one go throwing them on the floor, biting his lips.

"Open up baby, let me see that pretty little cu*t of yours" I spread my legs wide open showing him the view of my wet dripping flower and he groaned out, "So beautiful and all mine."

He ran his fingers over my folds spreading my wetness all over before putting his finger into his mouth, "Fu*king delicious, I'm going to drain ever last ounce of cum out of this."

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