Chapter 27

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Jungkook's pov.

They met us half way and Taehyung immediately took my hand kissing it while saying, "You look so fu*king stunning baby, so beautiful. Fu*k, I just know you're gonna be the most beautiful omega at that gala." Then he kissed my lips passionately and I blushed red when I felt him hard down there.

"PG-18 here you horny fucks." Bright said covering his eyes and we laughed because we all know Bright is far from innocent.

"You look so handsome and ravishing. I'm trying so hard to not drop on my knees and take you in my mouth." I whispered in his ears, I felt him get hard against me even more and he blushed red.

Damn what did I just say? I read too much Wattpad unfortunately.

I swear it just slipped. I realized he likes when I talk dirty to him so I always feel like doing it.

He dragged me around a corner where no one would see us and said, "Fu*k doll, you can't just say those things with them around. Now all I can think about is your pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock as you choke on it, hm." He said with his hands wrapped around my throat.


"I can't wait to fu*k that tight little pu**y, baby." He whispered in my ear then sucked on my neck.

Fu*k me!

I smirked and said, "Well too bad you said you wanted to take it slow huh? It's sad." I let my hands brush against the tent in his pants as he hissed and I walked away from him smirking like I just won the lottery.

I'm absolutely wet.

"Time to go y'all." Eunwoo called out to us and we made our way out seeing a Limousine and our mouths dropped for the second time tonight.

I looked at Taehyung beside me who was looking at me nervously.

"Limo? This is the first time we'll be driving in one." I said excitedly and the boys chuckled.

"Well let's get going now, chap chap." Bright said as we made our way inside the limo, damn the interior is beautiful.

Taehyung lifted me up setting me on his lap and I blushed. He has no shame at all.

I saw that Eunwoo took a seat beside Jimin instead so Bright had to sit with Eunbi. I see what you did there, I thought to myself and smirked at Eunwoo as our eyes met but he quickly looked away.

I leaned back into Taehyung's chest while his hands went around my waist pulling me in closer.

He moved my hair back and snuggled into my neck placing small kisses on it and I shivered.

"You look like an angel, all fu*king mine." He said possessively.

"Can I tell you something Tae?" I whispered in his ear and he nodded.

"Hm?" He said giving me his full attention.

I looked at him then went to his ears licking it and whispered, "I'm still dripping wet for you, Alpha." I said smirking I just love teasing him and right as I said that I felt his pants tightened again.

"You're testing my fu*king patience angel, I swear if we were alone I'd take you over my knees and spank your ass red until you learn how to behave. Naughty fu*king Omega." He said groaning.

I shouldn't have teased him at all because now I'm getting wetter with every word coming out of his mouth.

Oh crap!

Just before we could continue we reached the gala and I must say it's beautiful. There were paparazzi everywhere with cameras and I suddenly got nervous. I guess Taehyung had noticed because he squeezed my waist comfortingly.

"Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Eunwoo said as they all stepped out leaving Taehyung and me.

"Baby just breathe. I'm here with you and we're gonna stick together okay?" He said taking my face in his hands and I nodded at him when he pecked my lips.

"Ready?" He asked and I said, "Ready."

He went out first then took my hand helping me out. As I did camera lights flashed on us and I put on my confident look that says 'bit*h I am the queen in this sh*t.'


"Mr. Kim can we ask you a couple questions?" A reporter asked but we just made our way inside the building. "Over here sir." "Is this your boyfriend?" "Are you finally off the market, sir?" "How do you feel about this charity gala?"

His bodyguards blocked all of them so that they couldn't get to us and I was grateful. As soon as we reached I saw a lot of girls giving Taehyung flirting smiles but he paid them no mind and that's what I liked about him.

He walked us to a table where I saw a beautiful older woman with hazel eyes, my height, light brown hair and a man with dark black jet hair, green eyes, about 6'3" and who could pass for Taehyung's twin except the eyes. I immediately figured who they are and I suddenly got nervous all over again.

"Ma, dad." He said as he hugged his mother giving her a kiss on her cheek then hugged his father.

"My son, I missed you so much." She said hugging him again before looking beside him on me and smiling brightly.

"Oh, is this Jungkook?" She asked Taehyung and he nodded smiling. "Wow he's beyond beautiful. Son how did you get such a beauty?" She said gushing over me and I blushed red.

"The disrespect. I can't believe you just said that ma, I mean look how handsome your son is." He said and I laughed as his mom flipped him off and turned to me again.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Kim." I said putting my hand out to shake but she pulled me into a hug instead.

"Nonsense dear, please call me Keon Hee or mom and he is Wooshik." She said kindly and I already love her.

"Nice to finally meet you Jungkook and you can always call me dad if you want too. If Taehyung ever and I mean ever hurt you just call me and I'll deal with him for you okay." He said with a smirk as I laughed at them.

They made me feel so welcomed.

"Wow dad, nice to know where your loyalties stands, as if I'll ever hurt him anyway. Please guys don't scare him away now." Taehyung said pouting as they rolled their eyes at him.

"What? Sorry son but I just got another son and I'd be damned If I ever let anything happen to him." He said truthfully and I wanted to cry because my own father didn't even want me.

Keon hee playfully scolds them to shut up then turned to me and said, "Come on honey let's leave these men alone to talk." She said and I nodded waving at Taehyung who looked like he's scared his mom would scare me off. As if. We walked a bit further away from them talking happily.

"Keon hee, how is Taehyung?" A woman asked just as we were about to pass her and Keon hee scoffed. She was caked up with makeup and you could see that she is quite old about 60 or so. I wonder why she asked about Taehyung. Maybe a family member or something?

"Wonderful Grace, oh did I not introduce you to my son-in-law, Taehyung's beautiful boyfriend?"

Keon hee emphasized the words and the woman was turning red with anger.

She looked over at me giving me a disgusted look and I raised an eyebrow at her and said, "Do you have a problem with me or something lady?" I asked confidently and Keon hee replied saying "She has a problem with anybody who dates Taehyung, dear."

I was confused as to why, "Come on dear. I'll fill you in." She said as we walked away from the angry woman who looked like she wanted to jump on us with her old ass.

"That old hag is obsessed with my son. Even from when he was just 15 and let me tell you, she's a little older than me. Freaking pedophiles I tell you." She said angrily while I stood shocked from what I heard.

Oh damn, you even got old people chasing you Kim Taehyung.


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