Chapter 62🔞

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Jungkook's pov.

"I'm not even all the way in, baby. Do you want me to stop?" Taehyung asked, my eyes widened. I relaxed and shook my head as he made one more long push until he was all the way in.

That sh*t is painful.

Fu*k, I already felt him in my stomach, I can feel every part of him.

"Do you feel okay?" He asked, sounding as if he was holding himself in check, as if it took all of his will to do so, while I tried to get comfortable with his size. I felt so full while he waited for the pain to subside.

"You can move now." He nodded slipping out of me and thrust back into me. "Oh my-"

He started moving in me and I felt my eyes close at the immense pleasure, it felt incredible. "Holy sh*t angel, you feel so good." He groaned out and I whimpered.

"Right there papi, j-just like that!" I rocked my hips with his as he pinched my nipple and twirled around the piercing.

"Faster." He sped up even more and I couldn't stop the moans from escaping my mouth.

He took my legs putting them over his shoulders as he slammed into me again which made me feel him much more deeper than before.

"I wish you could see how beautiful you look getting your p*ssy fu*ked out by me." I whimpered at his dirty words as he went faster and I clenched around him feeling the need to come but he had other plans.

He pulled out taking my legs from around him, opening them wide in a split getting the clear view of my p*ssy as he slid back into me. I almost rolled my eyes wondering why I told him I was flexible.

I put my hand on my clit rubbing it but he slapped it away the minute it touched.

"Your sl*tty p*ssy exists only for me. I'm the only one who's allowed to look, touch, suck and fu*k it. Maybe I shouldn't let you come, no?" He suddenly stopped and pulled out, running his fingers between my folds.

I sobbed pathetically. "N-No please, I'll behave I p-promise." He gave in and thrust back into me with full force that had me in tears.

"This body is mine, every single part of it." He grunts out, pumping into me. The length and level of his arousal was brutal. Absolutely nothing in this world, felt as good as the sensation of him sliding in and out of me.

"All yours, papi." I grabbed the bed sheets in my hands as I felt my breasts bouncing with each thrust, he leaned over capturing my nipple in his mouth as the tingling sensation in my stomach hit more.

My hips moved in sync with his and I closed my eyes at the feeling of his cock.

"Open your eyes angel, watch as I f*ck your tight little c*nt." His words made me clenched around him and he groaned loudly.

"I'm going to c-cum."

"You don't get to come yet, I decide if or when you cum." Oh fu*k no. I need to cum, tears welled up in my eyes at how good it felt, the pleasure was out of this world. The sensation I felt tripled when he spanked me down there.

"My greedy little sl*t, taking my cock so well." He pushed my two legs on either side of my head as he started fu*king me without mercy. I could feel the veins on his cock as my core squeezed him in.

The only things that could be heard in this room were the slapping of our skin together, my moans and his grunts.

"P-Please." I moaned out as I clenched him again.

He started taking deep thrusts into me and I broke when he started hitting my G-spot. "Fu*k, don't s-stop. You feel so g-good inside m-me papi." He held me in a choke hold and I could feel the coldness of his rings pressed against my throat and I shivered.

"You're so fu*king beautiful angel, tell me you're beautiful and I'll let you cum." He grunted, sliding in and out of my wet pussy. Oh God, I'm never stop having s*x with him.


I've never called myself beautiful until he came into my life, telling me I'm beautiful every single day and I'm starting to believe it the more he tells me.

"I-I'm beautiful." I said stuttering out as he moaned, circling his hips going into me. More tears spilled from my eyes as I started seeing black spots in my vision.

"Yes you are." He sped up, thrusting into me harder and faster than before as my orgasm came with full speed.

"Cum for me, my beautiful angel."

The next thing I know, the bed sheets were soaked beneath me.

"Let it go, love. You're my good boy, hm." He rubbed my clit around in circles as tears fell from my eyes at the powerful orgasm. "I-It's too m-much, please." My p*ssy was pulsating so much as my climax continued. My toes curled and my back arched as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"Shhh. You can baby, let me take care of it. I'm so fu*king proud of you." He groaned thrusting 5 more times, then he stilled inside me and I felt ropes of his cum coating my walls as he let everything out inside my c*nt.

"Oh f*ck, that's it, squirt for me baby. I love you so much angel." He grunted loudly, looking into my eyes as we came and he pulled me into a sloppy wet kiss.

"I love you more." He dropped on me, not too hard to squash me.

"You did so well baby you know that right?" He pecked my forehead as we laid there with a smile on our faces. After a while he pulled out of me and I hissed at the pain I felt. His cock was soaked in my juices, just like the bed and I blushed looking away.

"Sorry angel, you need to pee." He lifted me in his arms carefully and put me on the toilet. When I was finished he lift me into the shower as he washed us both and I yawned feeling extremely tired now.

"Let's get you to bed." He dried me off then put a shirt on me, put me to sit down as he changed the sheets on the bed. He then put me bed and went to put something on as well. When he finished, he came behind me and wrapped his arms around me, cuddling me and pecking my cheek.

"You okay baby?" He massaged my thighs asking.

"Mhm, I feel sore and sleepy." I yawned again closing my eyes.

"Sleep beautiful, I love you." He pecked my head and I blushed.

"I love you too." I told him as I went in deep sleep.

Tonight was the best night I ever had. One that I hope none of us will ever forget.


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