Chapter 25

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Jungkook's pov.

3 hours later;

We saw dresses that we liked and bought them, I definitely love the dress I picked out.

"Time to get our hair and nails done." I said and we screamed happily.

"So what color are you guys getting?" Eunbi asked from beside us.

"Im not sure yet." I said to her.

"I think I'm gonna get white and maybe silver." She said thinking.

"We'll see." Jimin said as we walked into the nail salon. We already made an appointment last night.

"So Eunbi do you like Eunwoo?" I asked curiously.

"Um, he's fine I guess but not really." She said chewing on her lips.

"Just fine? Have you seen him? He's hot." Jimin blurted out and I looked at him suspiciously. I thought he had a thing for Bright?


2 hours later;

"Damn I feel tired and hungry." I said yawning.

Just as I said I saw a pizza delivery man come into the salon with a box of pizza.

"Delivery for Jeon Jungkook?" He said looking around for that person and I was shocked because I didn't order any food.

"Here." I said and he came over, gave me the pizza and disappeared before I could question him.

"Oh boy you ordered pizza, I'm so freaking hungry." Jimin said licking his lips.

"No I di-" My phone cut me off with incoming messages before I could finish answering him. I opened my message and replied back.

I smiled as I replied to his message, he's such a Sweetheart. He's turning me into a jello I swear.

"Who's making you blush so much." Jimin said with a smirk as we ate the pizza. It's so hot and gummy.


"Taehyung sent the pizza for us, he just messaged me." I said grinning and they looked shocked as I did.

"He did? wow that's one gentleman right there." Eunbi said while chewing.

"One word for that man. Incredible."

That he surely is. After finishing the pizza which was delicious by the way, we made our way to the hair salon to get our hair done. I'm just gonna clip and curl mine with Jimin but Eunbi is afro-curling hers.

I just know we're gonna turn heads wherever we go when we're done today.

They washed our hair and blow dried it. I wanted to dye my hair blonde for this event but I changed my mind last minute, I mean don't know if it's gonna fit me. I always have that problem, whenever I want to try something I get scared not knowing if it's going to fit my face or not so I always end up not trying out new things.

Yay! Boring me.

After sometime they finished our hair, we looked in the glass and damn we're hot as fu*k. I payed them and we left afterwards. We went back to where the car was parked and got in then made our way to Taehyung's house.

We finally reached the gate and I put my fingerprint in, yeah he added my finger print at his gate so I could go in there without any problems.

"Boy, he also put your fingerprint to enter his house. Damn you're really lucky." Eunbi said from the back looking around the house with big eyes, Jimin too.

"Well he's his boyfriend now what did you expect." Jimin said defensively.

"I just mean don't you think he's doing and giving you too much, you just barely started talking." Eunbi said sounding weird.

"Actually we've been friends for over a month before so don't worry." I said with a fake smile and got out of the car with them. We made it to the door and before I could enter it swung open showing an elderly lady in her late 60s.

She looked at us and smiled sweetly muttering under her breath saying, 'Now I know why Taehyung going crazy over him.' Her lovely Jamaican accent coming out too which sounded beautiful.

I didn't understand one thing she said so I just smiled and stretched my hand for a handshake.

"Hi I'm Jungkook, this is Jimin and Eunbi." I said.

"Lovely to meet you dears, I'm Martha." She said and pulled me into a bone crushing hug with the others.

"Taehyung talks non-stop about you."

"Good things, I hope." I said with a laugh.

"Of course, come on guys. Your hair and nails look beautiful omegas" She said pulling us in and closing the door.

"Thank you. Where's Taehyung?" I asked her after they said their thank you's.

"He's still in the office honey." She said with a sigh.

"You're back." A deep beautiful voice said behind us and we turned around to it.

Dazzling strong beautiful eyes met mine as he grinned at me showing me his body smile.


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