Chapter 40

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Jungkook's pov.

I was drenched in food, not just me but everyone was drenched in food.

I felt sick.

Suddenly we all heard the doors opened and everybody froze because we all know who it was.

Now we're definitely in a lot of trouble.

"What in the world is going on here? I did not know this school was for children under 10 years old. CLEAN THIS MESS INSTANTLY OR ELSE EVERYONE WILL STAY OVERTIME TODAY!" The principal screamed at us in anger.

Damn sis, calm down.

"Uncle, look what they throw on me. I look like a drenched cow now." Adaly said to him, looking as if she was about to cry.

Such a crybaby.

"I DONT CARE, I'm so disappointed in this school. Get to work, chap chap!" He said walking out in anger slamming the door.

He does know that he's the biggest disappointment this school has right?

"I didn't even throw anything so the only thing I'm cleaning will be myself" I said to Jimin and Marcus as they nodded, they were also drenched in food too.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU BIT*H." Adaly Screamed at me stomping her feet.

"How is it my fault? if anything it's yours, you're the one who started it by throwing pasta at me." I said rolling my eyes at the thought.

"Gosh, I hate you!" She said as she walked away still stomping her poor feet in anger. I feel sorry for them at this point.

"She's such a brat." Marcus said as he wiped the food out his hair and clothes.

"Nothing new." Jimin said as he dragged us away to the bathroom.

"Wait, I can't come in there. It said OMEGA and as you can see I don't have a vagina, well you can't see it but that's besides the point." Marcus said with a scared expression facing the bathroom door, we just pushed him in with us anyway.

"I don't care, we're hiding in here until they clean everything. We're not cleaning anything." Jimin suggested as he took a seat on the counter top.

"No no no, I am not spending hours in a Omega's bathroom. Imagine the rumors that are going to spread in this school if someone caught me here." He said pulling at his hair and we started laughing at his misery.

"Shush, what's the worst they could say?" I asked sitting on the counter as well after dragging Marcus on it too.

"Oh I don't know, maybe that I came in here to fu*k two omegas." He said and we all laughed.

"Or maybe they will start saying that you secretly have a vagina." Marcus eyes widened at that, it was truly fun teasing him.

"What? no I do not and even if I had it, that's none of their business."

"That's it my guy. Group high fives." We all do high fives together and giggle at our silliness.

"This bathroom stank, what do omegas do here anyway." He asked covering his nose. It smelled bad for real, but we have no choice but to stick it out.

"Oh nothing really just urinate, defecate, changed period pads-" Marcus cut me off with a scream.

"Forget I asked, I don't want to know. Nasty asses." We laughed until tears came into our eyes. Such a weird guy.

"We have to wait it out brothers, no
matter how much it smells bad. Let's not get distracted from our task at hand." Jimin said with a salute.

"Wait out what exactly?" I asked and he looked at me like I just stole his chocolates.

"The chaos happening outside of course." He said it like it was a life-threatening situation.

After about 1 hour later we ran out of the bathroom trying to catch our breaths, the bathroom was beyond stank. If I have to choose between cleaning the whole cafeteria or hiding in the bathroom again I'll definitely choose the cleaning for sure.

"Oh shit, never again. Why did you guys even drag me in there? do you hate me that much?" Marcus asked as he tried taking deep breaths.

"Stop whining, you're such a female." Jimin said rolling his eyes at him.

"I am not a female, I have a penis for your information." He said pouting and I couldn't stop laughing.

"So why were you just in a Omega's bathroom." Jimin said loudly making his eyes widened.

"Wha- I- wa- yo-" He groaned out not finding the words to respond. We giggled at his frustrated face and pinched his cheeks.

"I'm with him on this one, do you hate us that much?" I asked Jimin as I folded my arms together.

"It wasn't even that bad." He said as the bell rang for our next class.

We planned to meet up later as we went to our classes. Marcus and I had most classes together which I was grateful for, now I at least have a friend in most of my classes.

"Let's go." He said dragging me along. What's with people dragging me today? I thought to myself.

As soon as we were about to enter the class, we heard a voice behind us, a voice that made me tremble with fear. "What the fu*k are you doing with him?"

I froze as soon as I heard the voice, my heart started pounding in my chest as I slowly turned around to find the devil looking at me with a murderous glare.

"Are you fu*king with him?" Charlie asked angrily.

"Leave him alone Charlie." Marcus said as he clenched his jaw.

"Oh, you have my friend as a bodyguard now. You really think that will stop me from taking you as mine?" He let out a deep chuckle after that and I gulped.

"I'm not your friend. Touch even one hair of him and I swear I'll make sure the next time I punch you, you'll need surgery." Marcus said in a serious tone, I didn't even know he could get that serious.

Charlie started laughing like the psycho he is. "You really think I'm afraid of you? I wonder what it would feel like if you go home one day only to find out that someone bought your little pathetic house and you have nowhere to live. Oh I'm sure your poor mother would have a heart attack again." He grinned wildly and I saw Marcus started panicking.


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