Chapter 16

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Luca's POV

laying with my girl across my chest sleeping for what likes like the fisrt time in months. which gives me a mixer of feeling prid and sadness.
there is a soft knock on the door before it is opened up.

"hey i was just checking on you and Avery, i couldnt hear her yelling anymore and got nerviuse." Anna says still standing in the doorway
"thanks Anna." I whispered afaid to wake the sleeping girl in my arms
"I will alway be here for her we are sisters after all" shes says while smiling
"im glad for than you know, i worry about her and i havent even thought about what im going to do when i am shipped back overseas, i dont think i want to right now." i say as i brush fallen hair off of Averys face.
"than dont, we dont even know when that will be, just enjoy what is right here and right now. we know that we are safe and that Avery is protected there is no point in worrying over nothing at the moment." zack says coming in behind his sister right along with my brother.
"there is everything to worry about, like where this fuck is that thought it was okay to hurt my girl." i growled too loudly resolting is making Avery to jump awake.
"fuck sorry baby." i say pullin her back to me,

but the look on her face scared my to my bone, the look she is giving me is a far away look like she was a wake but not here, as soon as my hands made contact with her she freacked. in that moment all that was heard was her screams i tryed to gather her to me so she woulnt hurt herself or the baby, but her fought me like her life depended on it. the more i tried the hard her hits became.

"dont just fucking stand there fucking help me damn it!" i yell out to no one in particular, which did two things. one make things worse, and two pulled both zacks and graysons head out of their ass's
"Avery baby im not going to hurt you." i try
"nooo stop please stop." she weeps out braking my heart
"baby listen to me no one is trying to hurt you, see?" i say while pulling my hands back
"but you are hurting me, i am your sister John why are you doing this to me?"
"lucase she doesnt know its you." a soft voice and hand come from behind me
"let us try." Anna said through a thick voice all I did after that was nod
"Avery sweetheart it's us your safe he can't hurt you anymore." Veronica says softly approach her
"No you need to get out of here he will hurt you too!" Avery cry's harder
"No baby he's not here it's just us here now can you see my face?" Veronica asks making Avery nod
"Good girl can you feel my hands?" She asked while taking Avery's hands.
Avery nods again still taking short and sharp breaths
"Good... that's good baby now I need you to take a deep breath in through your nose and out your mouth.... Tell me what you smell?" I all I do is just sit there mentally beating myself. I caused this fuck.... I can't believe that she is in this state because of me.
"Baby I need to know what you smell?" Veronica asks again
"I-I smell men's cologne." She speaks quietly
"Okay and what does this make you think of?" Veronica asks
"I-It makes me think of Lucas..... oh god Lucas he's going to hurt Lucas!" Avery begins to spiral down into another panic but this time it's because of fear for me not of me.
"Baby no one is going to hurt anyone in this room." Veronica says sweetly
"Hey Lucas can you come over here for me?" She then asks me not moving or taking her eyes off of Avery.
Not even bothering to answer her I make my way over to her.
"Here take her hands and talk to here softly, I think I calm enough." She tells me as she gets up so I can take her spot.
"Avery baby can you see me?" I asked her the same question Veronica asked hoping I'd get the same response.
She takes a deep breath still looking scared but nods her head at me. Good that's a good sign.
"Can I hold you baby?" I ask feeling hopeful.
"I-I can't he will be mad and hurt you, I can't let him hurt you." She whispers
"Please baby I'm here for you I can handle myself.... Please just let me hold you." I plead with her seeing her this scared for me makes me scared for her to know that this man put this much fear into her makes me ferris. All she does is shake from head to toe in fear.
"Shhhhhh come here baby." Not waiting for an answer this time I gather into my arms and pull her into my lap. Softly placing my hand onto her swollen belly.
"L-Lucas?" Avery squeaks
"Yes baby?" I ask now rubbing her belly
"W-what happened?" She asked seeming to be back to normal
"I-I'm now sure baby I may have raised my voice and triggered a panic in you.... I'm so sorry." I choked out now trying.
She turns a little in my lap facing me
I couldn't bring myself to look at her ashamed of myself. When I feel her hands on my face force me to lift my head to look at her. Seeing she is crying as well she throws her arms around my neck and sobs
" it wasn't you I think I had a bad dream!" She cry's
"Um Avery?" Zack ask making us both look at everyone in the room
"Are you okay now?" Anna asks
"Yeah I think I'm okay I'm sorry I scared everyone." She says sheepishly
"Shhh don't apologize baby you did nothing wrong." I reassured her
"Well I mean she did punch me pretty hard." Grayson says rubbing his arm
"It wasn't her fault!" I growl at him
This made Avery jump again I pull her tighter to me kissing her head
"Shhhhh I'm not mad at you love." I whispered to her.
"Chill bro I was just joking... you know trying to lighten up the mood." Grayson says smirking
"Well it's not helping and frankly too soon." I dead pan at him
"Okay everyone let's give them some space before there is a fist fight." Zack says.

As everyone left the room I sit there with Avery still on my lap it was silent other than a few sniffles from her.
"Avery are you sure you're okay?" I ask cupping her face
"Mmhmm." She hums looking between both of my eyes.
"Baby you don't have to be strong in front of me.... Let me be strong for you. That was the key because as soon as I said that the damn broke.
"Oh baby I'm here let it out." I tell here as I put her head into my chest rocking her hopefully this is working.
"Lucas are you sure you want all of this mess?" She ask rubbing her face into my chest like a child.
"Nothing and I mean nothing could make me not want you mess or not, and this isn't a mess." I spoke into her hair.
She nods her head and I lay down with her half on me.
"Avery I know that we are just starting out and I don't want to scare you more than you already are but I need to ask you something." I pull her face up so she is looking at me
"Okay?" She says questionably
"" I rush out
"Wait you really want to be its father?" She asks sitting up
"With all my heart baby." I tell her and the smile that pulls on her face takes my breath away
"Thank you.... Thank you.... Thank you!" She cry's throwing her arms around making me laugh
The rest of the day was just the two of us laying in bed and I kiss and talk to our baby. And I with fight tooth and nail with anyone who tries to take them away from me.

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