Chapter 10

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Avery's P.O.V

I woke up feeling a little stronger I tried opening my eyes and they came open with no effort, what scared me was that once they where open I couldn't breathe. I had something shoved in my mouth I tried getting it our but that made it worse. I started coughing and gasping to get it out but it just made me cry. All I could hear was a voice in the hall. Than all of a sudden a bunch of people came in all talking at once and sounding that they are speaking gibberish. One of the doctors slowly walked over to me and sat on the side of my bed and took my hand in hers.
"Avery you need to calm down sweetheart, the more you struggle the more your throat is going to hurt. We are going to pull the tub out and see how you feel than we have stuff to talk to you about. How does that sound?" She asked. Like I could answer her with this thing in my mouth. So I just made an okay sign with my hand.
"Alright what I need you to do is take a big breath and hold it okay, we are going to do this fast." The other doctor said while turning off the power.
I inhaled as much air as I could and they pulled. It all happened so fast, one second I couldn't breathe and the next I was coughing and gulping air.
" okay Avery easy now deep breaths. There you go." The first doctor says while stroking my hand that she continued to hold.
How do you feel now sweetheart?" She asked
"I-I-I'm t-t-thirsty." I whispered, it hurt to talk
"Oh goodness that's normal honey, here sip this." She said while a nurse handed me a cup of water with a straw in it. As I was sipping the water my sore throat went away.
"Avery dear there are some questions we need to ask you is that okay?" The first doctor asked and I just nodded.
"Okay first we need to know when your last period was." The second doctor asked. I sat there just staring at him trying to think. 'When was my last period?' I asked myself.
I turned and looked at Anna and she shrugged her shoulders.
"I-I-I-I don't remember I'm sorry." I started crying
"Oh honey you don't need to be sorry about that, though we do have news to tell you." She said I looked at Anna but she wouldn't make eye contact with me and neither would Zack when I looked at him.
"What's wrong what did I do?" I asked now crying uncontrollably which made Zack look at me and comes to hold me
"No princess you didn't do anything." Zack says while rubbing my back.
"Than why wont you two look at me?" I gasped
"Princess we are concerned about your reaction with what the doctors are going to tell you." Zack says looking back to the first doctor and nodded his head as if to tell her it was okay to continue
"Avery when you came in your blood pressure was so high but we didn't know why, so we ran a lot of test and found out that your pregnant, 5 and a half month pregnant to be precise." The doctor says.
"I-I-I'm pregnant?" I asked
"Yes dear you are, we did an ultrasound to be sure." She said.
"We would like to ask you where the father is." The second doctor asked
"Father? I've never been with anyone. How can I be preg-." I stopped talking when it hit me. It was like I was hit with a brick wall when I thought who could the father be. Only one person came to mind and I was scared to say his name, once he finds out I'm pregnant he's going to kill me literally.
I than start to cry.
"Princess do you know who the father is?" Zack asked
All I could do was nod and cry. I felt small arms wrap around me and I could tell it was Anna. She was crying too.
"Avery you need to tell us. I can tell by your response to this news isn't a good thing." Said the second doctor
"John." I said with the most certainly I have has in months.
"John as in your brother?" Anna asked pulling away from me.
That just made me cry even more.
"Y-y-yes that's how he would punish me for when he thought I did something bad, he has been raping me for years, I couldn't say anything, he said that if I told anybody that he would kill you and Veronica!" I cried. The room went quiet after that, it like forever than all I could hear was Zack.
"Fuck, I'm going to kill that fucker, god fucking damn it this is going to kill Lucas!" he yelled I looked at him funny when he said the last part. 'What dose Lucas have to do with any of this.' I thought to myself just than the door opened and Zack walked out for a few minutes just to come back with Lucas. I couldn't explain my feeling at first I felt love but quickly shook that feeling away I don't even know this guy. And the other feeling was fear of what Zack had said. Just than Anna took my face into her hands making me look at her
"Avery Lucas isn't going to hurt you, hell this man hasn't really left your side in days. And when he does it was only to pace outside cause he was getting on Zack's nerves" Anna says while laughing I look back at Lucas. But he was still looking at Anna but as if feeling my eyes on him he looks at me and I start to cry again.
"Avery?" He said with a thick husky voice, than he clears his throat with a look on his face like he's at battle with his mind
"Lucas." I say reply challenging him, though the look on his face say anything but him taking the challenge but more of relief than he is walking towards me. He takes my hands and kisses them softly. I thank Zack for saving the day with him clearing his throat making Lucas remember that he is in the room too.
"Avery I know you just woke up and all you want to do right now is go home but I have a question to ask you. If that's okay?" Lucas asked while looking at Zack who nods.
"Come on Anna let's go call Veronica and tell her the happy news." Zack says while pulling Anna out of the room.
I looked back to Lucas who was still holding my hands in his and he was looking as me with a look in his eyes I have never seen given to me. I see this all the time when Veronica talks to and about Zack.
"Avery would it be okay with I take you out on a date? I know that me being in the military is scary but could I have a chance to show you the love that you deserve?" Lucas rambles. I just sit there not saying a word its like I couldn't speak even think.
"Avery?" Lucas calls my name again which brings me back to reality 'did this angle really ask me out on a date' I thought to myself. 'oh my god this angle just asked me out on a date and I am just sitting here. come on brain think and than speak.' i tell myself while looking into the most incredable eye ive ever seen.

' i tell myself while looking into the most incredable eye ive ever seen

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