Chapter 6

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Zacks pov

I was walking upstairs looking for avery when I hear voices coming from her room, and I see avery running down the the stairs,

I was walking upstairs looking for avery when I hear voices coming from her room, and I see avery running down the the stairs,

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I know she didnt see me cause she ran right into me, I grabe her shoulders.
"Avery what's wrong." I asked her she looked up at me with fear in her eyes
"N-n-nothing" she said while pushing away from me and runs towards the back door, nothing my ass, she's never in her life stuttered, when I look back towards the stares is see Lucas, he shrugs and turns back to the bathroom. I look back to the back door and see avery about to have a panic attack. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her. Once she feels my arms around her. She screams than she droppers to the ground and starts to have what looks like a seizure.

 She screams than she droppers to the ground and starts to have what looks like a seizure

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"Veronica!" I yell
"Oh god avery." My wife says while grabbing her head
"Someone call an ambulance." She yells.
"Zack the the hell happened." Veronica asked panicked
"I -i-i dont know I was going to look for her and she was upstairs talking to Lucas, than she ran into me, I asked her what was wrong, but she said nothing and kept running when I went to hug her this happened. My sweet girl what happened." I asked while holding Avery's hand. just then i heard foot steps running up to us from inside the house.
"sgt the abmulanse is on the way." said a man as he took averys legs. i looked and saw it was Lucas he looked at Avery with so much concern for just nearing her. Once the paramitics got here Avery had passed out , I held my wife in my arms as the loaded her into the ambulace I turn to Grayson and Anna and told them to watch Rylie.
"I'll drive." Said Lucas giving no room for argument.
The ride to the hospital was silent but the acational sniffles from my wife. Lucas parked as close to the main entrance as he could and let Veronica and I go in by ourselves saying something along the line as this is your family stuff.
I grabbed the keys from the ignition than looked towards Lucas "Get you ass out of the car, I need to know what the hell happened between you too upstairs." I said to him calmly.
"Yes sir." Lucas says while getting out of the car. We walk into the hospital and Veronica asked the nurse which room Avery was in.
"What's Avery's last name ma'ma?" The nurse asked while looking at her tablet
"Adam's, Avery Adams shes 19." I said while punching the wall.
"Ah here she is, she is in room 237, but it looks like the doctor says she cant have any visitors yet." The nurse said finally looking up just to see that Lucas and I are still in our uniforms.
"You know what I'm just going to call the doctor." She said again while picking up the phone.
While the nurse was on the phone I lunged at Lucas and pind him against the wall that I had punched.
"What the fuck happened." I growled lowly so I didnt scare my wife.
"I went upstairs to look for the bathroom, I walked into a room to hear crying, it was Avery sir, I interdicted myself and she looked at me and than fell pulling me along with her, as we where falling a pulled her to me so when we hit the floor I wouldn't be on top of her, well she freaked out and ran out of the room than ran into you." Lucas says through clinched teeth
"Zackary James Roberts we are in a hospital, let that poor boy go."Veronica says while pulling my arms.
"Zack baby Avery has been through a lot in the past few months, she has been keeping to herself she was going to stay in her room until the party was over." My wife says while hugging me.

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