~Eye In The Sky~

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A/N Some smut for you guys, hope you enjoy it. I forgot abt the emojis btw.-

It was a Thursday, meaning according to their arrangement they would be staying the night at Blitz's apartment. They had made a big to-do over whether or not to get each other keys for their respective homes; Stolas made the very reasonable argument that he could just portal from one place to the other, Blitz made the very emotional argument that "if we're doing this, being all cute and shit with one another, I want a key to the palace and you get a key to the apartment. I think I trust you enough that you can just come into the place and not completely fuck up my whole vibe I've got going on in there"

He could be very persuasive when he wanted to be.

Stolas unlocked the apartment door. It was the middle of the day, Blitz and Loona were at IMP, so Stolas decided to make himself at home.
The prince had started to get used to the comparatively smaller dwelling; having been around cavernous hallways and towering spires his whole life there was a warm comfort to a two bedroom in the middle of the city. It was lived in, it had character and history. People actually lived in this place rather than just sitting around.

He also had gotten used to having a key. It really was a cute idea, this physical representation of trust given to him by someone who had a very, very hard time trusting anyone with anything.

He walked through the doorway and tossed his overnight bag on the couch, joining it with a decidedly un-royal plop. He spread his legs out and stretched. He looked to his left, and then to his right, really only doing this to entertain himself, and started scratching his sides and thighs, hooting with relieved amusement.

The biggest perk to being in Blitz's apartment was being able to relax completely. Stolas stopped trying to really put on airs for Blitz a good few months into their actual relationship, having thankfully reached that blessed period when you feel you no longer have to impress someone to keep them around. It popped up in different ways; they would be laying next to each other in bed when suddenly Blitz would get a whiff of something foul and his face would stretch out to an exaggerated grimace.

"You motherfucker that was RIGHT IN MY FACE" he would yell, jumping on top of Stolas. Stolas' already rising laughter would only increase the angrier Blitz got, the more descriptive he got with describing what it smelled like. They would wrestle and kiss and laugh and blow off steam until Blitz farted and it was his turn to play dumb.

Weirdly the thing that sent his heart into fluttering palpitations the most were the times, at either the palace or the apartment, when they would get ready for bed. Stolas would preen himself in the mirror and gargle mouthwash while Blitz would stand next to him (either normally or on a step stool) and brush his teeth and wash his face. It was a near silent ritual at first, but as time went on and schedules started to meld with one another it became more time to spend talking with one another. Going through plans for the week, trading gossip, cracking jokes, making faces in the mirror. Blitz was good at those, Stolas was surprisingly better.

Stolas whipped out the Grimoire from his overnight bag, pulled out a pen and notepad, and began his daily scrying. He knelt down in front of the coffee table, where the book was splayed open and presenting a small window into The Cosmos, and started jotting down notes. It was usually just busy work, a ritual ingrained to his DNA since he was a child. Though the work was important, on the off chance anything important was actually ascertained from the alignments and whizzing bits of stardust, it was more like a store manager sticking their head out into the workfloor to see how things were going.

Today the stars were fine. They usually were.

After about an hour of focused scribbling and furrowed brows Stolas forced himself to stop, something Blitz had started getting more adamant about. He opened the fridge and spotted the leftover pizza from Tuesday.

He reheated it in the oven, slower than the microwave but with better results, and chowed down, scrolling through his phone, idly liking things on Sinstagram.

A thought occurred.

He posed himself with legs crossed and his other hand holding up the dripping pizza slice. He gave the camera a winking smile, took the photo, and immediately began crafting a post.

Falling in love~ (Stolitz)-(Smut, fluff, & maybe angst)Where stories live. Discover now