~Don't you trust me?~

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A/N Wholesome story I found  about Pilot stolas. Made by Not_Eli on twitter.

Boredom was either a font of inspiration – because at some point, you're desperate enough to try anything – or the biggest bitch to exist. As he threw and cached the blade up in air with his hand, Blitz decided today it was being a bitch. But at least he learnt a new game. That was a win.Blitz snorted, and the next time the knife fell in his hands he threw it against the wall. The point centered the dirty surface with a small thump, vibrating for a few seconds before keeping itself perfectly still in that exact position. Groaning, the boss and founder of that failing agency that IMP was leaned with his back against his chair and placed his feet on the desk.Assassination companies weren't unusual in hell. You had someone that pissed you off, but are too much of a pussy to do something about it yourself? No issue, just ask someone else to do it for you! Usually, these types of business were successful enough for the majority of people to have enough money to continue eating or having a roof above their head. And it was like that for Blitz too, at first. Starting this business with Moxxie and Millie was one of the best ideas he ever had, and they actually managed to get some decent pay for some time. But as said, assassination companies weren't unusual and it didn't take long for some faster and more suitable demon to come into the camp.And just like that, all clients went to fuck themselves.Sure, someone still came. But Blitz was starting to barely have enough money to pay his employees completely. For how patient Millie could be, he wasn't completely sure about her husband – Moxxie was capable of many things, but he really knew how to be a little shit at best.Blitz couldn't blame them. If he could have another more stable job, one that at least gave him enough cash to pay the bills, Blitz himself would have jumped on it.The thought was not the most appealing.Snorting, the imp stood up from his chair and started to peace around the office. He almost – almost – preferred when he was full of paperwork shit to do. At least it was something.He opened the door and stepped in the main hall. Loona was behind her desk, phone in hand and monitor on whatever show she wasn't listening to. Blitz knew for sure that she was the only one who didn't mind the lack of work to do in that building.He cleared his throat, "Loonie, sweetie, are M&M back yet?"

The hellhound shrugged as an answer. Blitz frowned. The married traitors got out hours ago for 'something urgent to take care of', or as he liked to call it, a 'date that wasn't a date but at least he would leave them alone'. He was so going to cut off their paychecks. He took his phone out of his pocket as he walked to the meeting room, dialing Moxxie's number impatiently and brought it to his ear.

"Where the actual fuck are you both?!" He hissed as soon as the little bastard picked up. "This 'important' bullshit better be done in three seconds Mox!"

"I'm sorry sir–" Moxxie stuttered, a noise in the background sounding like music and thousands of voices making it a little hard to make out his words. "Millie wanted to stop by–" 

"The Farewell festival arrived earlier!" Millie cut in, her usual excited tone even louder than usual. "Ya gotta join us B!" Blitz blinked in confusion. "The Farewell–didn't that shit happen by once every five years or something?"  

"That's what I thought too!" The female imp exclaimed, "C'mon B, it's just a few minutes of drive to Wrath!"

"To Wrath – Is that where you two traitors decided to sneak in?" Blitz groaned and rubbed his face with one hand. "Ugh, fuck it. I'll be there."    "Great!" Millie giggled. "See ya!" She hung up. The imp stared at the screen for several seconds and decided that fuck it, might as well do something entertaining. And he doubted he was going to get anything close to a client for the rest of the day.Smiling, he stepped out of the room and turned off his daughter's monitor, which only earned him a not so happy look from her. "Prepare your stuff, Loonie Toonie! We're going to a festival!"Blitz had never been to this kind of fest. 

Falling in love~ (Stolitz)-(Smut, fluff, & maybe angst)Where stories live. Discover now