Chapter 6:

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The night went on, but one thing was still going through my head as I laid in my bed, could I really go with him on tour through California, I've been in this small town forever and didn't get to explore. Would my parents let me? More like, would my parents trust me? Could I do this? My dad is so overprotective and doesn't even like when I go to hang out with friends, let alone 4 boys! I thought to myself maybe it could work, I could tell my dad that I was going on a road trip with my friends. Sarah already has her drivers license, so I'd be perfect. The worst part is that they would have to come with me because my mom would ask how everyone is and not just me, she'd want to talk to them and see how they were. But, that means no time alone with Calum.

It's worth a shot! I group chat the boys to see if it would be okay.

Me: Hey guys I was wondering if instead of just me going on tour with you, maybe me and my friends could go?

Michael: That'd be great as long as Jessie is coming.

Me: Yea she'd probably do anything to get out of the house soon anyways. Hanging out with you is a bonus for her!

Michael: Then I'm decided the answer is yes!

Just then the other boys get the message:

Luke: Wait! 3 girls and 4 boys that's a lot of people are you sure?!?!

Calum: I don't see the problem. I'm for it as long as you're there Ellie!

Luke: Fine I'll live!

Ashton: What's wrong with that? I say let the chicks come!

Me: Great I'll text them right now! Bye ;) and thanks! <3

Before I texted the girls, I went into the kitchen where my dad was making breakfast and my mom was pouring drinks. "Hey mom. Hey dad. I was wondering if I could go on t-t I mean a road trip with the girls? It would be a full week though."

My mom looks at me and says "Of course you can sweetie you kept your grades up, along with sports, and extracurriculars. So I don't see why not. Is Sarah driving?"

"Thank you so much and yea Sarah's driving us around!"

My dad just gives me a worried look on his face, sighs and says, "Well if it's okay with your mother then its okay with me."

I practically screamed and hugged them "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You guys are the best!"

I kiss them on the cheeks and skip off to my room I hear my dad, "She's really strange! I don't understand."

I texted all the girls and said that I had a fantastic plan.

Me: Hey girls! I just texted the boys and they said you can join us on the rest of their tour through California! The catch is it's only gonna be us because my parents don't know I have a boyfriend! So, it's our road trip. But we will meet up with the boys at the mall in Escondido after we leave.

Jessie: Okay, let me check with my mom!

(5 minutes later)

Jessie: My mom said that'd be awesome for us to experience so I'm there!

Sarah: Uh... Sure why not. A chance with Ashton is amazing!

Grace: I just asked and my mom and she said no I have to watch my little sister while she's on vacation!

Me: Oh... That's okay Grace maybe next time :( So I've got 2 yeses and 1 no?

Jessie: Yay

Sarah: Bring it on

Grace: Yea :(

Me: Okay get ready cause we leave at 4 o'clock today!

I jumped around putting dresses, shirts, flannels, sweaters, shorts, skinny jeans, 5 pairs of shoes, pjs, and everything else in my giant suitcase! Sarah came around 3:30 with Jessie already in the car so I got in the back and we were fan girling the whole way there.

We finally got to the mall where we said we'd meet and all the boys were already there. Jessie ran up to Michael as I ran up to Cal. He smiled hugged me and kissed me on my forehead.

Sarah yelled from the truck sarcastically, "Don't worry I got your big suitcase!" as she drops it onto the concrete, "Damn what's in here?!?!"

"Clothes!" as I smile and laugh. I turn to Calum and he's smiling. I walk over and grab my suitcase from Sarah. I throw it into the cargo area of the tour bus and walk onto the bus.

A/N: So the people that come with Elizabeth are the friends she will have throughout the story and the sequel. But the question is, what type of friends could they be? 😏 That's a question to keep in your head. Love you dudes (California talk)!
-Baylie <3

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