Chapter 11:

4 0 2

Calum responds, "Anything you wanna do El." We walked over to the playground where no one is so we had the time to ourselves. We played on the castle and went down on the slides and hung upside down on the monkey bars like we were back in kindergarten again. Eventually we walked over to the swings. I got on one and Calum got behind me and started pushing me, I silently screamed holding on for dear life when I went really high, but, it was still extremely fun. When I went really high up I saw something over the castle. A volleyball net! I slowed myself down and then jumped off and ran towards it. Cal didn't know what I saw so he got scared and ran after me.

He turned around the corner to see me pick up a volleyball that someone left. I smiled and mouthed 'Sorry' as I smiled guiltily. He laughed, while walking up to the net, "I thought you were just running away for a second there!"

"Nope, I saw the net set up so I got overly excited. Wanna play?"

"Game on! You start, you're gonna need it!"

"Ohh, you just pissed off the spiker! Bring it! And good luck." I shook his hand and turned with my hair whipping around. Before I served, I put my hair up, and yelled, "You ready!"

"Never been more ready in my LIFE!"

I said the score "0-0" and then I served and it went over with a curve and Calum barely missed it. "1-0" I said. I served again this time he got it and bumped it over the net. It was a perfect setup and I ran up and spiked it! It went straight down and he jumped for it and missed, "2-0!"

He just rolled his eyes and spoke, "Okay, okay, I'm just warming up." I got the ball from him and served it. It went out of bounds. I was so pissed off, and put my hands to my face. He laughed so hard, and I was furious, "From the way your shaming yourself I can tell your EXTREMELY competitive. Do you want me to take it easy?"

"Oh hell no! I've got this!" I said as he grabbed the ball.

"1-2" he yells out and serves the ball. It comes in short and I sprint forward and barely get it. The ball goes over the net I'm flat on my stomach in the sand, but I jump back up into a squat. He blocks it down and I get it back behind him, he backs up and sets it as he trips over his feet. When I saw it happen I heard him gasp for breath. I let the ball go and drop, as I run under the net, and get to my knees next to him.

I freaked out and didn't know what to do, so I just sat there and told him to breath in and out. He tried really hard to get up, but if I knew anything about having the breath knocked out of me, I knew to stay down and not get up. So I told him to stay down. Eventually he caught his breath and looked at me, "Thanks for giving me the POINT! 2-2!"

"You mean you did that on purpose?!?! That is so messed up,and mean, was that a TEST?!?!"

"You can call it that, I was wondering what you'd do."

"Okay you literally could've died Cal, that isn't funny!" I just realized I was making a big scene and apologized. We both got up and it's Calum's serve. He served and I set it over the net, he bumped it back, as I blocked it. It went down but he got it just in time for me to miss it!

He laughs and calls out "3-2! And I'm winning!" He gets overly cocky and serves at into the net. I laugh and he got pissed off.

I yell, "3-3" really loudly, forgetting that everyone else is still sleeping. I served and he missed it! I scream "4-3, hahahaha"

Then I hear Luke yell, "What the hell, we're sleeping over here!"

"C'mon get off your asses and join us!!!!" I yell back to him.

"Never!!" he yells in response.

I see Jessie and Michael walk over, and Jessie says "Can we join! Or is it just you two?"

"Me and Cal vs. you and Mikey"

"Game on!" I barely hear her mutter, "We are so gonna lose!" to Michael.

We start the game over and as we play we scream and holler out the score and curse when we miss. Cal and I win by a landslide, with a score of 15-3 for the first match and 15-6 for the second match!

We fell asleep on the beach around 4am I wasn't cuddling Calum to my surprise, but the volleyball we were playing with. Which I feel is a mistake.

(Tour Day 3)

When I woke Calum was right in front of me looking at me, "Sorry but I didn't wanna wake you, you looked so peaceful."

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Yea while I talk in my sleep and kick at things with my eyes open. I already know what I do in my sleep Cal. My dad informs me of that stuff.

"Well, sorry to say but you might wanna hurry, since I didn't wake you, everyone else is dressed and ready to go!"

"Oh shit!" I pull my iPod out of my pocket to see it says 12 o'clock, I jump up and run for the tour bus. Calum isn't far behind me because I could hear him yelling to slow down. I kept running and tripped and fell in the sand.

Cal catches up to me and is hands on knees trying to catch his breath, "Where... did you... learn to run... like that?"

"Did I mention I also do track and field, and every other season of basketball?"

"No, you didn't! Any other sports I don't know about?" he asks still winded.

"Umm. Ballet, volleyball, basketball, and I'm thinking about doing cheerleading to help with my flexibility, soccer to help with agility, and powderpuff football because I can throw, catch, and run! So not a lot of sports, no."

"Damn! You call that NOT a lot! By the way, I can help you with soccer!" he says as I get up and start running again. To hear him say, "Not again!" But this time he was able to catch up with me.

I got to the tour bus and got my suitcase out, "What do I need to wear? Casual? Formal? Dress? Shorts?"

He laughs and says, "Just get into something comfortable that you can walk in."

I changed into them and said, "Would I need a sweater?"


"Okay. Then I'm ready to leave!"

"Great, we have to take the bus though, cause you know we left the car at the mall."

"No problem! Let's roll" I say as I run into the bus going up the stairs springing up them like a gazelle. Calum gave the driver the directions when I was saying good bye to everyone because they decided to just stay at the beach. I got on and had no clue where we were until everything got really familiar. We got onto another road and then it hit me where we were going... The Safari Park! Which is like Disneyland to me!
I screamed when we turned into the drive and Calum looked at me like I was a weirdo. "Are you okay? I didn't think you'd get this excited about the Safari Park?"

"Well I told you I love this place! This is an amazing surprise." He scooted up to sit closer to me on the couch. I turned around and hugged him, "Thank you." I whispered into his ear.

A/N: Wow that's a long chapter, it is also leading to another one of my personal favorite chapters.

If you haven't noticed yet, there isn't a lot of drama. That's what sequels are for!

Love you!
-Baylie <3

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